What on Earth did you say?

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i agree. i ignore capitalisation though. still, i like to think my posts are readable.
i'm young also, 19, and i've been around text-style writing myself. that is no excuse. some argue it's because it's 'faster' but i find it confusing. how can making a new word be faster than using one already stored in ones head. besides, doesn't one learn the positioning of the letters? wouldn't, then, "anyone" be easier than ne1? it just seems to slide off the fingertips much more fluidly.

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Posting in lowercase doesn't bother me, really. Check out all the blogs that are done in a lowercase style. Many poets and writers use all lowercase: Charles Bukowski is the man!

I read your posts, dude. You write fine. Thanks for the support.

Oh, Byu, I am enjoying my stay.
Wii > You said:
Posting in lowercase doesn't bother me, really. Check out all the blogs that are done in a lowercase style. Many poets and writers use all lowercase: Charles Bukowski is the man!

I read your posts, dude. You write fine. Thanks for the support.

Oh, Byu, I am enjoying my stay.
I am glad to hear it. :)
If you need any help, feel free to PM me or any other member.
personally I think that you are being far too pedantic . But thats just me . I dont mind the fact that not everybody writes at the same level of accuracy or has so called "inferior" languge skills .
Whats the big deal ???
In some cases it can become somewhat annoying. Seeing as this is the internet, I doubt that most people will use proper grammar when it comes to posting messages. Which, is fine by me seeing as forums are usually a more easy going where members don't have to worry about proper grammar. Oh and banned for posting your opinion is absurd :D
It gets annoying, but complaining about it is pointless.
ppl r alwayz gonna type lyk dis online bc they r 2 gud 2 type rite lolol
I try to use proper grammar and spelling. I might be being a bit harsh, but I have trouble taking someone seriously if their posts contain frequent spelling errors or they forget about punctuation.
Napalmbrain said:
I try to use proper grammar and spelling. I might be being a bit harsh, but I have trouble taking someone seriously if their posts contain frequent spelling errors or they forget about punctuation.
I do too.
ummm this is how it is around here man ok

Translation: Ummm... this is how people type/talk on the internet. Do you understand?
I used to post how you described, merely out of laziness, but I decided to improve my posts. Although I know it isn't flawless I have improved and I too would appreciate other users making the same effort. It is just much easier to read when there are periods and capital letters at the beginning of sentences.
All I disagree with is when people post just to kick up a stink about spelling or grammar . Or instead of addressing an opinion by debating an issue they find it necessary to resort to picking at someones english .
Nearly all of the time its easy to work out what somones saying

jus cuz peepl dnt rite proper dont meen wot dey say int relervant
Cant spell to well (damn dslexia)
But they dont tend to stay on a site toi long
Sod it
Why type when a pic says it all

(it dose click)
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