Whats yer favorite map?

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i like the docks because i like the challenge of driving the team out of that room, or in another case, sneaking around through the upstairs and getting them in that outside area by the stairs looking into the main building. to me, that board is like territory war. Finding and clearing the enemy stronghold. I like other boards where I can play effectively with that mentality, like station, nightclub, jungle, & archives.

Outpost is okay I just have to be in the mood to want to go there.
I think memorial would be awesome if there were more bushes and places to take cover. It's hard to walk through a wide open area w/out getting shot at, even in darkness. I still haven't really learned this board yet since no one ever wants to go there. i think i'd like it more if i could play there.

Facility is alright, just annoying to play tubers there since its so confined.

Industrial, idk why, I just don't like it much.

I feel like I'd like sewer more if I learned it, but it's a pain jacking up the brightness on your TV, and then setting it back to normal. Plus it's really tiny.

And that's all for team conflict, cuz thats usually what I play. As of now my favorite boards would prolly go
1. Docks
2. Station
3. Nightclub
4. Archives
5. Jungle
6. Outpost
7. Facility
8. Memorial
9. Industrial
10. Sewer
Conflict and golden gun: Theyre all good, just not memorial, im not a very good sniper, if i had to pick a favourite it would be docks.
Team conflict and hero: Station or Outpost
Black box: Industrial, because of the hell that breaks loose in the room with the box!
I like the Sewers and the Memorial. There's no central spot to be, so games can be less predictable. Although I understand if they're just too dark for some players' TVs.

I find Docks and Nightclub a bit unfortunate because there is so much map, yet most of it remains unoccupied while everyone goes for the central rooms.

That's sort of the way I feel about Goldeneye's online multiplayer in general. There are only 10 maps, we only go to 6 of them, and they are the most predictable ones.
This is a hard one.....

I like the sewers a lot, and I like the Memorial. My friend is obsessed with that snow place.
I change my mind. Sewer is epic Q_Q. The only levels I don't like are docks, facility and industrial.
I gotta agree with sewers. I think its a great map, especially if you're janus.
Not played enough in my view
I've come to see that for certain goals the different maps can work out quite differently.

Docks - Great for BB - Hate it for Conflict
Station - Great for BB - Okay for Conflict
Nightclub - Okay for BB - Boring for Conflict
Outpost - Great for BB - Hate it for Conflict
Jungle - Great all the way around - Can play any number of strategies
Archives - Horrible mess for BB - Great for Conflict
Facility - Horrible mess for BB - Okay for Conflict
Industrial - Good for BB and for Conflict but sometimes go a long time without seeing someone.
Sewer - Great for BB if you're silenced - Can't see well enough for Conflict
Memorial - Great for BB - Hate it for Conflict

There's my comment on the whole thing.
Well first of all Im pretty color blind so any map that is slightly dark sucks for me... People say they cant see a thing on sewer. I literally cannot see anything in the pit area. Industrial sucks if Im playing against the team in black. Jungle sucks when people hide in the bushes but surprisingly I do quite well in Memorial.

My favorite map is of course Outpost its the only one which is basically black and white. Docks is my second favorite and station is pretty good except Im finding out I hate it more and more now that I play BB a lot.

I dont dont really do well in archive or night club. But I am trying to get hip fire down so I am slowly getting much better at close quarters. I am hoping the thermal scope will make a big difference when I finally do get it.
Archieves, Outpost, Docks (epic moments on the closed area)

And i HATE sewers
I do not like the facility. Also use to dislike the sewers but scored a 30 win with only 3 deaths (no radar) and now love it. Always a fan of the docks
I guess this would be my favourites maps (although for team conflict)

I really depends on what mood I'm in on a given day but I like all the maps in GE... My favorite is docks though
Updating Mine:

Nightclub, Archives
Good enough
Outpost, Docks, Memorial, Station
Facility, Jungle, Sewers
I want to hang everyone who votes for this map