Who here doesn't use the strap?

lol i dont use it most of the time cuz i can trust myself not to break anything/anyone but i make my friends use it and it gets annoying sometimes i forget i have it on and ill go to my comp and try to put it down but its still on lol
I use it for sports, but playing excite truck its off as it is very annoying.
It depends on what game I'm playing. If it's wii bowling I'll use it however if it's a game like Zelda I wont even bother.
Why attach it to the nunchuk, im not going to drop that, but i always have it on my wrist, just incase i drop it.
Only for sports
Every thing else it just gets in the way
if its gonna be on my for a long time, yes. Its not hard to put that thing on once a hour.. lol. I dont wear it tho if im passing the controller alot for Bowling etc.
How can you say it "gets in the way" having it attached to your wrist i dont even notice it,
I agree with Toad less you get over excited playing games does'nt matter if its on or off not liek you drop your TV remote, well i don't when changing stations.
i beleive theirs a connection for the nunchuk, incase you accidentally over extend yourself and probably pull the nunchuk connection out and the cable end wont fly out and maybe lash someone/break something. I secure myself everytime, unless im playing DBZ, thats the only game I seem to be tame at
Look ma, no straps!

I'm not a kid anymore, I don't need "training wheels". I've played enough actual tennis and baseball to know not to let go of the handle. The Wiimote isn't any different.

Those of you that are grip deficient and prone to butter-finger syndrome, I present to you...

The Gripmaster!

Go forth and master your Wii!!
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