Who's the person you want to go against all the time?

(Post-game thread, in relation to original post)

But on topic, if I want to vs anyone again...
It would be proxy-masty spammers...WITHOUT them using proxies and masty
My opinion: Proxyton is like a new, high-end sports car.
- It is fun to drive, especially when you get it at first.
- You can usually blow past most of your competition in a heartbeat.
- Everyone stops and stares and says "holy crap" [and then starts camping in fear].

- Drive it too much, and people start to look at you as "oh here comes THAT guy again."
- People ask, "Is that the only thing he's got?"
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I totally agree with that. 56 players are gay (some of them) when they just blow you up outta nowhere....
Seriously i like ripping through people with ease. I like it when it's more strange than common to die.
Ppl always say they like to play against good people to keep the game interesting. And every now and then, that is true.
Most of the time though i just wanna face noobs. It's probably because i'm still in the mids of grinding with my second profile.
I've offically renamed my main profile. I used to go by "THE EVIL ONE." Going forward, I am going to play under "TampaBondo" exclusively - this way you folks know it is me. Let me know if you run into me online. It would be nice, as this thread says, to give props to some of you after our battles!
^ There's a fine balance between that, really...

Almost no game is fun when all you do is pwn noobs every damn minute you're playin'. On the contrary, depending on the game, playing against godly players constantly can get very boring over time. Or at least, that's how it goes for me.

For example, in some games, "the winning strategy" is only one typical strategy. Anything other playstyle puts you at a severe disadvantage; the kind of disadvantage that when gaming with other players at your skill level, will end with you gettin' your ass kicked.

For example, in Red Dead's Gold Rush competitive mode (essentially Capture the Flag; or in this case, bags of gold), if you actively and as quickly as possible go for the bags, you'll get shot in the back as soon as you pick it up and are unable to do any action for a good second when picking up said bag. If you do nothing but camp around the bag drop-offs waitin' to steal bags from other players, you'll be the one getting shot from behind by a camper who wants to take your place nine out of ten times.

To win, you need to do a combination of capping bags by predicting which bags people won't go for, and then camping to wait for someone with a bag to pass by after you captured your own. After about 200 matches, this rinse-repeat strategy gets... monotone.

Variety is the spice of life, and gaming as well. All those hackin' proxyton scrubs will get bored of using the same uber loadout if they use it EVERY game; especially since they didn't earn their way up and play the game with different weapons.
All those hackin' proxyton scrubs will get bored of using the same uber loadout if they use it EVERY game; especially since they didn't earn their way up and play the game with different weapons.
That used to be me, except for the hacker part. Eventually i started using the sigmus9 in all my loadouts.
The sigmus 9 in combi with HH and SS is a very good gun actually.
I preferred it over the terralite and the anova.
It's probably best if you slap on a laser or a reflex.
But at the time i was in love with the sound it makes when silenced.