Wiikey fitted by total novice, wish me luck


IT Geek
May 11, 2007
Little village in the UK
Hi all, i'm a new posted but have been lurking a researching for a while. I got my Wii just before Xmas and recently started to look into the Wiikey. Well i took the plunge and bought one, and all the soldering gear (I didn't know how to solder!)

Anyway, I've had 1.5 hrs practicing my soldering skills on really small contacts, well what I though were really small, and then I took my Wii apart and nearly died! Anyway I persevered and and fitted the chip just 10 minutes ago! I turned it on and it still plays my original Wiisports so that's a good sign, i'm burning the Wiikey setup disk to test the chip now :D
I think I am going to keep my wii mod-free. I dont want nintendo releasing an update that blocks the chip, I dont want to void the warranty and I dont want to risk my wii breaking.
It's cool that you installed it and everything, good luck :thumbsup:
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well i've just tested it with a backup and it works! It didn't work the first time but on closer inspection the wire on point 6 had come loose. all screwed back together now.

I'm not sure how Nintendo could release an update to stop the chip working as it's pretty transparent in the way it works and bridges points on the DVD player, but I'm sure they can find a way (luckily the chip is flashable so the chip makers can work around any potential block)
Half Empty said:
I wish you luck, and I hope they don't make an update restricting mods.

They will, btw moding is 100% illegal in the US. Infact if wiichat admin get a hold of your IP, you could be fined.
rishi 20 said:
wasnt there a virus or brick u can get for doing that i heard it makes some update thats not compatible to the wii

That was for PAL Wiis trying to play backups of Super Paper Mario NTSC.

It updated the firmware on the PAL Wii to be NTSC, and made the Wii's firmware high on mushrooms, then, when it crashed after being high, it tried to smoke shrooms again, but that liiiiitle chance you can die from smoking shrooms..

It happened.
a30993 said:
That was for PAL Wiis trying to play backups of Super Paper Mario NTSC.

It updated the firmware on the PAL Wii to be NTSC, and made the Wii's firmware high on mushrooms, then, when it crashed after being high, it tried to smoke shrooms again, but that liiiiitle chance you can die from smoking shrooms..

It happened.

Sounds amazing apart from the dying part.. Hey, Could I have some of them mushrooms the wii smoked?
Take note to use good media such as Taiyo Yuden or Verbatim at slow speeds such as 4x for 8x rated. I had a fair number of games that had to be redone with label's and all so I could have discs that didn't decided to randomly DRE in the middle of playing. I was using a quality plextor burner (px-760a), that I was able to burn them at 18x. Which in the end was a no go.
Half Empty said:
I wish you luck, and I hope they don't make an update restricting mods.
A large percentage of Wii will never connect to the Internet. How is Nintendo going to update these standalone console? :crazy:
gamer_of_life said:
They will, btw moding is 100% illegal in the US. Infact if wiichat admin get a hold of your IP, you could be fined.
I don't see any point of modding a Wii in the US, as all the games and DVD's are out in the US first. However, modding is popular in Europe where games and DVD's are usually released 6 month late.

If Nintendo has never implemented regional coding, then there is no need for modding.
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lee.jarratt said:
I think I am going to keep my wii mod-free. I dont want nintendo releasing an update that blocks the chip, I dont want to void the warranty and I dont want to risk my wii breaking.
It's cool that you installed it and everything, good luck :thumbsup:

I'm with you lee.jarratt, i dont want to mod my wii either:thumbsup:
gamer_of_life said:
They will, btw moding is 100% illegal in the US. Infact if wiichat admin get a hold of your IP, you could be fined.

Be fined for what? Wishing someone luck? Way to think...

By the way, I don't have a mod installed.
To answer many questions:

1. People Mod their Wii's so they can play copied / downloaded games. Only a small percentage Mod so they can play imports.

2. I doubt any WiiChat stuff would report those who Mod their console, this would be far too much effort, plus it would be pretty anal.

3. Nintendo could easily release a firmware update to counteract the Mod chip. However, I imagine if they do, it will be when Wii's are in high supply, thus forcing those who have Moded to purchase a new Wii.

4. Those who do not have access to the Internet... well if Nintendo really wanted to, they could include the firmware update with one of their titles, say Metroid or Super Smash Brothers. I.e. If you want to play the game, the disc will first flash the firmware.

5. I would Mod my Wii, but i) I am far too lazy too, and ii) I get free games anyway, so I have no real need to.

Personaly, I think the likely hood of Nintendo releasing a Mod chip block firmware update are so slim that I wouldn't really worry about it. Nintendo seem to 'fluffy' to do anything agressive.