Haku Gaming 3

Lord Haku

I have returned
Jul 3, 2006
Village Hidden in the Mist
Wii Online Code
The Lord is back with the third week of Haku Gaming. This week our hero Mario is once again back on the sports scene with Super Mario Strikers 2, along with my favorite franchise MORTAL KOMBAT! And of course Far Cry.

As you know Super Mario Strikers hit the gamecube this year making sure that Mario left no sport unturned. This time Mario put on his soccer shoes and ventured into the game of soccer. Now all the features are back from the old game so don't worry people. Using the Wii mote will open up whole new possibilities for this franchise.

Just to give you some back round check Super Mario Strikers took home several awards at E3 including the best sports game.

The next game on our list is MORTAL KOMBAT; this game will feature all the blood gore that fans (including me) love. Also using the wii mote you will able to pay of those killer moves that you remember from childhood. No more have to press a 6 button combination to win. Now using the wii mote punch block and destroy your opponents.

This game will over an great level of freedom that is usually foreign to these games, no longer will we have to agonize 6 button fatalities know a press A of the button could be the next thing. One thing is for sure this game will bring all the fun of MORTAL KOMBAT to the next gen and who better to do it that Nintendo.

The last game on my list is Far Cry for the wii. Far Cry will have players on in the jungle and searching for new ways to kill your opponents. Far Cry to me screams stealth more than any game I have player, and with the Wii mote capabilities stealth could be mastered in a matter of minutes game playing.

The Far Cry is no stranger to the next gen format it has arrived on the Xbox 360:mad: but this title will make that one crapy. For fans of the series this game looks very exciting, and looks to add the wii's power to its full advantage.

P.S I want to thank ssbb_lover for doing a Haku Gaming segment while I was gone thank you, you have proven your will as a formidable Shinobi
Mario rugby
Mario rowing
Mario Wrestling
Mario ice hokey
oh **** wiive given them some ideas
Darkprinny said:
Mario rugby
Mario rowing
Mario Wrestling
Mario ice hokey
oh **** wiive given them some ideas
Don't forget Mario's Extreme Tetherball Championship!

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