
WiiChat Member
Jan 21, 2010
[FONT=&quot]Heidi Montag: ‘I Almost Died After My Procedure’; ‘Beyond Ready’ To Do Playboy Again[/FONT]



Heidi Montag says her decision to undergo 10 plastic surgery procedures in one day almost killed her. And despite her alleged brush with death, Heidi says she’s ready to bare her new body in the pages of Playboy again – as soon as she gets all of her normal movement back.
“I almost died after my procedure,” Heidi told Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush on Monday. “I had too much Demerol like Michael Jackson did and my breathing was five breaths per minute which is like almost dead. [I was] in an aftercare center, there were nurses that were supposed to be tending to me at all times.
“So thank God, Charles, one of my security guys used to be an EMT, and he was timing my breath on his watch and he called the nurses and they had to put oxygen on my face and called my plastic surgeon to come in for an emergency. So, it was a very traumatic experience for me,” she continued.
Two months after the surgery, Heidi said she is now starting to regain all of the movement in her face.
“I’m starting to move my face more and more,” Heidi said. '[But,] I feel very plastic… especially when I first came out, it was so hard for me even to smile and it’s still hard for me to chew sometimes. But it’s feeling more and more natural everyday because the swelling is going down.”
On November 20, Heidi underwent 10 procedures that included a mini brow lift, Botox in the forehead, nose job revision, fat injections in cheeks and lips, chin reduction, neck liposuction, ears pinned back, breast augmentation revision, liposuction on her waist and thighs and a buttocks augmentation. But, she told Billy she’s not addicted to plastic surgery.
“I do love it and I appreciate it and I appreciate the science behind it,” she explained. “How incredible… we [are] blessed to even have this surgery that we have. We’re so advanced. If Cleopatra were alive now, I’m sure she’d have triple D’s… there’s always been a struggle between pain and beauty. I feel like since the beginning of time.”
Heidi revealed that she initially wanted breasts in the largest size possible, but is now happy with what she’s got.
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[FONT=&quot]Heidi Montag: My Ass is Basically a Science Experiment for Mad Plastic Surgeons![/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Heidi Montag, the illustrious Blond Bombshell from Monsanto, is now burbling forth Mark McGwire style and revealing to the public that she is "just another bubble head experiment gone wild for mad plastic surgeons".

Heidi covered some of the myriads of knife and needle niceties she has had so far, including two (2) [FONT=&quot]tummy tucks[/FONT][/FONT]
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[FONT=&quot]to make her belly to appear with no flab, three boob [/FONT][FONT=&quot]jobs[/FONT][FONT=&quot], (two for enlargement and one to make both the same size) one butt cheek lift job so both butt cheeks will wiggle the same when she runs in photo shoots, left and right upper thigh liposuction to preserve the "nubile look", rhinoplasty for a "big nose" scale down & rework, chin and lip augmentation to appear more voluptuous, and plastic injections wherever age lines start to appear such as the crease of her ass. In addition she stated that her naturally dark pubic hair has been replaced with blond AstroTurf from Monsanto which is expected to last through tomorrow-land.[/FONT]

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