Omg there has been very high surge in noob tubers, hackers, and host quiters

my god toobers galore 2 nite. I be nice and only use strata remotes and what...what for? idiots don't realise i play nice so Fuk it...out pops Proxerton!! :D
just played K-dawg on heroes, a lv 34 with masterton and ivana running around in archives, needless to say i picked up the ivana and had a little fun with it.
you should try fighting [thc]big boy
or it may have been [thc] big boy

both of them were in the game....

both were lvl 50+

both used rpg's

both couldnt hit a barn door with the door knocker thats attached to it

all i want to know is...... which of you scum host quitted when you realised that even the lvl 20 there was owning you?


wish i was as good as you..... **** no... wait a sec.... im GLAD im not that bad... ye thats it!
oh and on that note...... john 3:16

whats with the silenced p99 in tc?.

and your mates with more rpgs?????

wtf is up with the rpgs atm?

you ;lot that use them and the other cheats are bloody crap- so sorry for the 5 dom i know it was immoral of me to own your weak self...... my bad.
just played a TC game where the kills were worth over 65000 exp but two other players got the exp instead, there was also infinate ammo.

ok just got into another game where we won but the score was tied at 37, and there was still time left.
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