looks better than


Not Banned
Jun 19, 2006
Wii Online Code
I have to agree... but, don't close this thread only because I'm saying this, you know i0n is a administrator of the, well I was looking at it, and I decided to join, just because maybe someday I'll get a PS3... well, I have to agree that I liked the way that forum looked more than this one,

If you look closely to that forum, next to each member, it says if he is online or not ( doesn't say that) for example with sprint (i0n) so I want i0n (sprint) if he agrees to make this forum a change, maybe to put another color than this baby gray, and put something like Apple white or the black you have in your other forum :incazzato:...

If you can, make a public poll, in this forum for the ones who agree, and the ones who doesn't because I think the forum is just = as it started with the colors, maybe make a change...

Just wondering that.
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registerednerd said:
actually, you can see who's online on Wiichat. It's that funky logo on the left at the bottom of the user's status column. If it's grey, they're off; if is't green, they're on.

Sorry, I can't find it, can you specify?
yah the ps3 forum looks cooler and everything, i totaly agree, and i was gonna say about the online/offline thing too, its next to the clipboard icon, its a green box with a white swirl
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Sovieto said:
yah the ps3 forum looks cooler and everything, i totaly agree, and i was gonna say about the online/offline thing too, its next to the clipboard icon, its a green box with a white swirl

Oh yeah man, please i0n! Make this forum as the other one!

2stupid4u said:
dude sovieto did u join that ps3 forum???

I joined too, I don't see any problem with it, except that I don't have toom much money for the PS3 (I'm thinking of buying it when the price drop comes out)
i really joined to help out i0n since he does so much for us here, well atleast im trying to help out.
ya i was thinkin of buying a ps3(when the prices go down enof 4 me) but im defenetly geting a wii...........mabye ill join the ps3 forum too :thumbsup:
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But then after all, don't you think the forum needs a change?
well i dont think it NEEDS a change but it would be i guess yes
Yea registerednerd is right, we have a little icon indicactor, i suppose i could change that to something more noticeable.

I just emaild my brief for the new design yesterday. So if anyone has any little requests or ideas similar to this let me know and i'll pass it on.
i0n said:
Already got that back :)
WOOPS! Sorry, i was kind of speed reading, its late you know, well atleast for me. I did like 3hours and 45 minutes of sports including 1 hour and 30 minutes of running so im kind of sleepy as its 9:48pm. Wont make same mistake again :)

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