Roundup: Nintendo of America Conference


Apr 30, 2006
Here's a round-up of the key points from the Nintendo of america conference which took place this last hour.

* The Wii will be on sale November 19 in North America! "The worldwide debut happens right here in the Americas - the same place where we debuted the Nintendo DS. On November 19, it will be available at more than 25,000 points of distribution across the Americas. And will a manufacturer's retail price of $249.99. One price. One configuration. One color." The color is white.

* Wii Sports will be included with the Wii! "Everyone will get it when they buy a Wii." It will be the first 'pack in' game since the SNES.

* 25-game launch lineup, not surprisingly being led by The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Its the first Nintendo console to do so.

* Roughly roughly 30 games are to be released by the end of the year, and all first-party games will be in at $49.99 or under.

* Reggie unveiled the 'Wii Channels' interface which lets you start up a Wii or GameCube disc, as well as hitting the "Wii Shop Channel" to buy older games for the Virtual Console (and look for Super Mario World and Super Mario 64 at launch). After launch, Nintendo is estimating around 10 new games a month to be available.

* NES games will be available for 500 Wii points, Super NES games for 800, and Nintendo 64 for 1,000. Wait, Wii what? Looks like they're taking the same tack as Microsoft: Consumers part with fake money more easily than real money. A 2,000 Wii-point card can be had at retail for $20.

* The "Mii" channel is introduce. Mii lets you create your cartoon-like avatar to represent yourself within games. These profiles are stored on your remote and allow you to transport them around with you.

* Reggie starts speaking about WiiConnect24. Mentions the news and weather channel when Wii is connected to the Internet.

* Additional Wii remotes will be $39.99 (£20), separate from the nunchuk, which will be an additional $19.99. (£10)

* Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Gamecube has been pushed back until December 11.

* Metroid Prime 3 now a 2007 title.

You can read the full blow-by-blow transcript here:
Well everything looks good but one thing. The controllers are going to be 40 bucks! Thats ridicoulus! Then you have to buy the nunchuk seperate for 20 dollars. Thats really going to suck. The wii sports is a good idea though. Nice coverage.
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Pushing the Gamecube Zelda back to December was a pretty smart move i think, intentional or not.
You have to pay for Opera :( How much will it be? The release is too long to wait for :(
okay, wii sports included means that I can get everything for $350ish plus tax. Still not sure if im gonna get one at release since it is so close to christmas. Id hate to pay 350+ for the wii and then 4-500 on christmas presents the next week.
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Wiired said:
Just thought.. anyone gotta idea when we'll be able to preorder?

Dunno, probably a couple of days after these announcements have been digested, not sure how long it will take the retail outlets to get their stuff together.
delicious news :drool: :drool: :drool:

good prices too. i knew the wiimote was gonna be more expensive than average because of the motion sensing and things. (atleast thats what i think of £20)

only bad thing is that metroid has been held back to 2007 :incazzato:

and i like the avatar thingy called Mii :thumbsup:
MetroidZ said:
delicious news :drool: :drool: :drool:

good prices too. i knew the wiimote was gonna be more expensive than average because of the motion sensing and things. (atleast thats what i think of £20)

only bad thing is that metroid has been held back to 2007 :incazzato:

and i like the avatar thingy called Mii :thumbsup:

Im not sure if metroid being held back is too bad. We will have Zelda to keep up company 'till mario and samus arrive. If all three games came out on launch we will complete them before xmas and have no mario, zelda or samus to play for like 2 years!
I'm dissapointed with this news. The price is as high as could be so not really impressed by that. I guess with the free wii sports it's an 'ok' price but I wouldn't consider it a 'sweet' price.

Metroid prime being pushed back is not really cool neither. It's true that zelda will keep me occupied for quite some time but 2007 is a year and it might be another 6 months so not sure what to think about that.

Worst news is the release date. I'm glad I'm not japanese or else I would be really dissapointed, 16 november is late but accepteble I guess. I am really scared to find out what the european launch is. I can imagine it being in 2007 after reading these dates. Even if it's in 2006 it will be just before christmas.

No really good news and some pretty bad news, not really impressed with nintendo right now.
Im pretty sure nintendo confirmed ages ago that the wii would be out in Europe in time for xmas. The gap between America and japan is only about two weeks, so i expect the gap between Japan and Europe to be about the same. Also, I think Metroid will be early 2006. Most (if not all) of the games they have mentioned so far i believe to be out in the first Quarter.
Been lurking here for awhile, but decided to register to vent a bit of frustration over the new details.

I expected the wii to be $199 with two controllers (it's the wii, it's all about playing together right). The way it's packaged I'm going to have to pay $250 for the system, $60 for a second controller w/ nunchuk, and $60 for component cables, which totals $370 before any games (wii sports is not such a big deal to me). That seems a bit much.

Though I'm not interested in buying a 360, the core system is only $50 more than the wii and MS could easily drop it in price. I don't think that Nintendo is reaching their mainstream pricing, but they are probably saving a price drop until after all of the salivating people (like us) have their wii.
ljadlkasjflkdshfjjkdgkjhsdj......release date to late....i was really hoping for October......damn.....and Controllers cost way way way way way to much.................idc if they are motion sensative its still to high!.....Metroid Prime is pushed back i want that game so badly..........i might not get the Wii for awhile just cause the only game i would really be interested in at launch is Zelda..........
Mcclane said:
I'm dissapointed with this news. The price is as high as could be so not really impressed by that. I guess with the free wii sports it's an 'ok' price but I wouldn't consider it a 'sweet' price.

Metroid prime being pushed back is not really cool neither. It's true that zelda will keep me occupied for quite some time but 2007 is a year and it might be another 6 months so not sure what to think about that.

Worst news is the release date. I'm glad I'm not japanese or else I would be really dissapointed, 16 november is late but accepteble I guess. I am really scared to find out what the european launch is. I can imagine it being in 2007 after reading these dates. Even if it's in 2006 it will be just before christmas.

No really good news and some pretty bad news, not really impressed with nintendo right now.

actually the price in japan for the wii is $212 and doesnt come with wii sports but is being sold for $40. the one in america is $250 and comes with wii sports so if you think about in a way nintendo is forcing you to buy wii sports in america even if you dont want it. thats why its so much more. That kind of ticks me off, especially for us poor people because that money could be used for zelda.

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