Roundup: Nintendo of America Conference

I believe Wii points can also be racked up through playing games, as well as bought. If Wii points were only earned through $$$, than why should there be Wii points in the first place?
RPGMasterTurk91 said:
this is true! u guys DO know that theyre not making profit, like all the other new consoles, on the actual console price itself, right? they make the money off the games...$250 for a 2006/7 console is really cheap plus 2007 technology and features cost more since its overall better and costs more anyways! the PS3, altho i want it, is gonna b $600.00 with everything...$450 for the simpler version...and i dont know if THEY r even making profit...if its too expensive then dont get it...for the ppl complaining that they r "too poor", then u should invest in something other than gaming altogether...ur wasting ur life and money if thats the case

i take it your referring to me, well you shouldn't jump to conclusions saying i'm wasting my life and money. i just have a limited budget with food, car bills, college tution and all this other mess your learn about when your older. I just dont think its fare that they force you to buy wii sports since i'll only be able to afford (after i've paid all the bills) 1 or two games because i'd rather choose the ones i want.
I feel really bad but I have to agree, the Wii itself is 'cheap' but $60 for another Wiimote + nunchuck?

More than likely won't be buying this at launch.
u guys DO know that theyre not making profit, like all the other new consoles, on the actual console price itself, right?

This is actually incorrect, check out what Reggie said on the matter. I'm not against them making a profit, it's a great business model, but I do think for $250 we should get 2 controllers, or a version without wii sports for $199.

Everything is more expensive than it should be. Which doesn't mean I won't be getting the wii, it just means I won't be buying as many games as I was planning to.

And for the prices they've announced on VC games, I won't be buying even one. I bought a lot of great gamecube games for only $15. Sure, they were gamer's choice value titles, but that's only $5 more than they'll be chraging for old N64 titles! $5 for NES titles is just way too much. NES games should be 99 cents, with SNES games at $1.99 and N64 games at $4.99. At those prices I would buy tons of them. At the current announced pricing I won't even buy one.
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Wishale said:
I read somewhere (I believe it was here) That you had to buy opera as if it was a VC title... Is ya have an answer.. Please reply it
Yea I found it. it said Opera would have to be bought with Wii points but they didn't say how much.
amon140 said:
quick question will a nunchaku attachment be included with the wii (in the box?)

Yes it will. An addtional Wiimote will be $40 and an additional Nunchuck will $20 and I think the classic controller will be $20 as well not included in the box.