Smash Bros Site Discussion

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When melee was out, i didn't think that they'd make another smash bros. but then they did (a.k.a brawl). but there's only one thing. if you check the interview on ign sakuri states that he doesn't feel the need to make another smash because it would just be (more character, stages etc.) to add without any new things. well, i don't exactly remeber how he said it but look for yourselves.
ki11er4311 said:
doesn anyone know if u can use final smashes in sse or any other mode besides multiplayer

Yes, you can use final smashes in the SSE because if you watch the 2007 Nintendo Conference Video from the DOJO carefully, you can see a Smash Ball in the upper-right corner when Fox is destroying the blocks. So apparently the Smash Balls are hidden within SSE levels which you can probably find with a little bit of exploring
Extra Life Mushroom said:
Smash is not first party, it's 2nd party. The game is contingent on Sakurai's involvement. And he is making statements leading some of us to believe that this is going to be the final game in the series.

Unless ninty takes over the next installment themselves, which would be..interesting.

If nintendo took over then we could see flowers and rainbows and teddy bears to appeal to there wide audience... I want a 3rd party to do it so the online would whope if nintendo could let them

Also about your avatar i think that picture should be replaced with Dick Cheney
:lol: @ dick cheney. Nice one. I agree on that.

But 3rd party would ruin it. There would be slews of Dante, Master Chiefs, Kratos, and so on. Characters whose games have a more serious edge to them. And that would probably dilute the comical edge that Smash holds.

The appeal of smash is to take characters that aren't used in a heavily realistic combative world and let them pummel the **** out of each other. If I wanted to see a deathmatch between the guy from GoW and Master chief then I'd expect it to be a shooter not a platform based fighter.

Granted snake seems a bit out of element here, but they added him in in such a way that it fits in quite well with the game play. Same goes for Sonic.

But if it was full out 3rd party then the core basis of the game would be overwhelmed by the roster of "cooler, more mature" game characters. It would lose it's comic appeal and take on a much more serious tone, which would undermine the whole smash experience.
bamblakopz said:
someone give me a good reason why this smash bros would be the last... There is no good reason... Nintendo is a business, ssb is a top game for them... Melee was the best seller for gcn! Why on earth would this be the last... Give reasons y u would even think that!
Because Nintendo doesn't have the power, Sakurai does.

It would be like saying 'The Mona Lisa is the best painting evar, why don't we make another one?'
Actually Iwata had a plan if Sakurai was to refuse making SSB for Wii. He said he'd just take Melee and put it online while maintaining most balance as possible, as a threat to get Sakurai to do SSBB w
So you can say that Big N isn't letting go of one of its best game so easily comes next console.
Even so w I doubt that this will be the last Smash.
And it's weird to just ask if there's going to be a sequel when the game is barely released, so Sakurai of course isn't going to answer with a definite yes.
i think here wont be a sequel.
The only way this game got to be made in the first place were comments to the President of Nintendo to make a new SSB game for the Wii.

And even so, he was thinking about not doing it, until Sakurai agreed to help.

I don't think that something like that will happen again.

Look at Brawl, they purposely went over the top with everything in the game because they know it might be their last.
hmmmmmmmmmmmm someone i need to someone to add me as wii friend code 4 i can challange someone. i love fighting someone stronger then me and getting my butt kick becouse tht way i get more experince and then i can whoop there buts when i get better.
If anyone wants to add me here's my number, just let me know if you do.

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