Strategy- whats your style?

The melee sucks with the wiimote, as you cant turn fast enough around. That and you have to shake it. If you love to melee, use a classic controller or a gamecube controller. You do lose the awesome aiming power of the wiimote though.

p.s. Biobooster gadget will make it so you don't die with one melee hit too :)
The melee sucks with the wiimote, as you cant turn fast enough around. That and you have to shake it. If you love to melee, use a classic controller or a gamecube controller. You do lose the awesome aiming power of the wiimote though.

p.s. Biobooster gadget will make it so you don't die with one melee hit too :)

oh!!! i wondered why some fools wouldnt die with a pistol whip and then they kill me after i thought they would be dead.

change ur controls on the wiimote to have it where the down buttom is the melee. thats how i have mine, and shake the nunchuck to reload. best setup imo
I will have to give that a shot! Thanks :) the biobooster will also save you against one hit kill sniper shots, except for the head. Don't leave home without it!
The melee sucks with the wiimote, as you cant turn fast enough around. That and you have to shake it. If you love to melee, use a classic controller or a gamecube controller. You do lose the awesome aiming power of the wiimote though.

p.s. Biobooster gadget will make it so you don't die with one melee hit too :)

oh!!! i wondered why some fools wouldnt die with a pistol whip and then they kill me after i thought they would be dead.

change ur controls on the wiimote to have it where the down buttom is the melee. thats how i have mine, and shake the nunchuck to reload. best setup imo

Yeah, down button melee is the best. Honestly that's how I've had it set up on every shooter for the Wii since COD3.
Always moving & shooting. My mid-range fighting needs some work, though.
Outpost - Conservative sniping (if its apparent that the opposing team is bad) or aggressive w/ AR.
Facility - Aggressive w/ SMG.
Sewer - Aggressive w/ SMG or Shotgun.
Nightclub - Aggressive w/ SMG or AR.
Industrial - Aggressive w/ SMG.
Station - Offensive sniping or aggressive w/ AR.
Docks- Aggressive w/ AR or offensive sniping when the opposing team camps that one room.
Jungle - Offensive sniping or aggressive w/ AR.
Archives - Aggressive w/ Shotgun.

I play with the gamecube controller because I cannot find my rechargable batteries. :( Otherwise I am quite comfortable playing with the wiimote.
My favourite set-ups are my custom load outs, Sigmus 9 with Reflex Sight & p99/ SLY 2020 with Torka T3/Pavlov ASR with Torka T3. I know there kinda rubbish but hey, I'm only level 10
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Well I play Heros most of the time and once in a blue moon will play conflict and GG. as hero's I love the archives most of the time me and the other will go into the small romm upstairs and ambush anyone who turns the corner, proxy mines work well. The other great level is the outpost 2 or 3 members will get upto the catwalk and snipe anyone open. the rest of the levels I run and shoot. my worst level is the memorial I die as soon as I come out, i always vote away from the level. loadout is AK47 and p99 second is one shotgun and p99.
Just wait till you two unlock the thermal scope beautiful when in the dark remember with the thermal scope everything comes to the light.

I had the chance to use a Talon or Toros?, dont remember, with the thermal last night playing Black Box. And it was AWESOME! Was at Jungle and the rifle was LOUD.

I'm at level 21, but an enemy sniper had it. I was hearing this poooooww, poooooww and looked for the noise. So I melee him, grab the rifle (was using my silenced Pavlov and I'd never seen the rifle before) and to my surprise had the Thermal.

Now I understand why "...everything comes to the light" :devil:
>Archives - Drumhead and keep running around the top level.
>Sewer - Drumhead and run laps around the outside with an occasional jump into the middle or down below if some douche is hiding down there.
>Industrial - Terralite and run between the long hallway and the blown out room that sounds like broken glass when you walk in it.
>Facility - Terralite and run around the hallways.
>Outpost - Terralite and run around the outside of the map looking for losers sniping in towers and on the ramp. A well-placed grenade ruins your day, doesn't it? :wink:
>Memorial - Start with Toros to snipe, then after first death I will switch to Terralite and run around.
>Jungle - Terralite and running around like crazy. I usually play heroes, so I usually go find them in the stairwells.
>Docks - Sniping with the Toros from the boat room until my whole team joins, then switching loadout to a Terralite and running around to flank opposing snipers from the back.
>Station (which SUCKS) - Terralite and run all over the damn place. Lots of focus on popular areas like under the train and in the train. I love picking off snipers from long range with a non-sniping weapon.
>Nightclub (which also sucks) - Terralite and running all over, but mainly focusing on the green area because everyone seems to congregate up there for some dumbass reason. I do love sneaking up on the occasional sniper and whacking him in the back of the head though.

I always use a sliencer and I typically don't stay put for more than a few seconds. I can't stand getting meleed, so I tend to move around. I use bio-boost and reactive, so it usually takes 2 punches to get me. Once I hear the first one, I run then turn and shoot.

Hope to see some more people online sometime. I tend to play heroes because that's where the most points are available.
Archives- Running around with my shotgun (I prefer the Sly). Keep moving around the whole map, almost never sit in one spot for too long. Sometimes I double back and forth through the hallways and I get most of my kills there.

Sewer- Hardly play this map, don't really care for it but I either run with the shotgun, or something with a silencer.

Industrial- Sigmus/stauger. Just constantly keep moving.

Facility- Running around with my shotgun (I prefer the Sly)

Outpost- Snipe or any other gun with a silencer attached. I'll use smoke grenades if other people are sniping and I need to quickly move through and open area.

Memorial- I hate this map, rarely play. Maybe just need to get used to it. I always seem to get shot in the ass in this map.

Jungle- Sniper/stauger I usually dominate the tall stairway.

Docks- Sniper/stauger again, if I'm playing with a good team I will just camp in the room like everyone else and snipe away.

Station-I prefer to run and gun it. Sometimes I will lay back and let other get their kills and just have a little fun with sniping. Also throw smoke grenades sometimes to get through open areas

Nightclub- Run and gun, I will use any gun except a shotgun here.
im not much of a sniper person i usually use the stauger with ACOG scope and the trusty kunara v for emergencys (im level 39)
Outpost: close quarters custom loadout in and out of buildings.
Archives: camp and destroy from upstairs room with trunks using slauger-II
Docks: back room below sniper room overlooking courtyard guarding doorway with slauger-II.
Memorial: snipe from top of bunker
Jungle: slauger-II sneaking up on snipers
Sewer: can't see a bloody thing.
Facility: run laps in hallway with shotgun

CQB at the Outpost? However, I completely agree about the sewer. I have no style or strategy there. Just hope not to die.

Maybe his CQB loadout is the stock CQB loadout. I believe the weapon of the stock CQB loadout is the Staguer, so, he's not that crazy haha.
i can't stand sniping i'm a lvl 43 but i hate sniping. i always get mad when a lvl 7 is constantly pickin' me off with a loud sniper and i can't find him. i no lots of good sniping spots so i check in thos's 1's first but there never there i guess it's cause the spots i check r to hard to find for a lvl 7. if u see a10 year old on here as a username DON'T CAMP cause i will hunt u down and kill. u i H8 campers.
"Hey everyone, let's give each others secrets away so I can kill you better"

I don't think so. All I can say- stay moving! Once I find out where you are, I hunt you down and kill you. Have a nice day! :)

"Dude", level 43 (as of now)