N64 Soundtrack


WiiChat Member
May 13, 2011
Winnipeg, Canada
A month or two ago, I started playing online multiplayer with the N64 soundtrack playing simultaneously. I like the electronic music in the new game, but for a real nostalgic experience this is pretty great.

I've been trying to decide on the best songs to match up with each stage. Here's what I've been leaning on so far. Tell me what you think.

Facility - N64 Facility
Archives - N64 Archives
Memorial - N64 Statue Park
Station - N64 Depot or N64 Train
Outpost - N64 Surface 1 or 2
Jungle - N64 Control (if running) or N64 Aztec (if sniping)
Industrial - N64 Tank
Sewers - N64 Caverns (dark feel) or N64 Elevator (light feel)
Nightclub - N64 Control or N64 Elevator
Docks - N64 Dam, N64 Frigate or N64 Cradle (maybe)

As it is, I have the soundtrack playing from beginning to end on a boom box. But what I'd really like are 11-minute loops of my selected songs, so I could easily start them once the level countdown begins.

I'm hoping to edit audio loops shortly. However, if you know where I can find some in existence (I own the original game and the soundtrack), I would be much obliged. Cheerio!
check out youtube

Several users have posted game music for old games. You can just put a playlist on autoplay and loop a single track and make a recording of it if you want.

This guy looks like he has all the N64 GE tracks, including the unplayable levels:


My fav? Track 22.... Elevator B.
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Thanks for all of your links. I'll definitely peruse some more of those sites when I get the urge for more classic gaming.

I've finished making loops of the tracks mentioned above. I've been trying them out with the new game for the past week. I'm happy with them.

Just wondering would anybody here like to have the loop collection? There are 16 mp3s, totalling 164MB. I haven't posted them online anywhere, but if I knew someone was interested I would.

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