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well, i remember over the weekened, it was a guy named NOOBER and now preatty sure its the same dude..........i thought this type of thing gives ip bans
yeah, i let someone use my computer and they got banned, and then it said my ip was banned.

man we are getting off topic, i dont wanna get banned for good. so yeah.

did wii chat go through some remodoling changes. cuz theres an option for old wii chat, and it looks all cool and clasic.
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WHAT! how do you change it to the old wiichat?
User CP > Options > Scroll down and you'll see an option to change the forum skin.
I don't think that the "inappropriate images/content" deserves a spot in the "WiiChat History"... Anyways, most of the threads and posts have been deleted and the users have been banned.
The old wiichat is dead, it is now time for the willy era to shine, my time to claim what is rightfully mine....gentlemen this is a change THIS IS A REVOLUTION..
Darkprinny said:
I worte a very long list of what it cant do
But I accedently pressed back
So ill just say a few things

Hahaha well of course it was a joke. all tho you could take a picture and right your name across it making a intro thingy haha so i guess it semi works. obviously its not image software a computer can get hahaha.
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