WiiChat Weekly Interviews: FAQ's


That Canucks Fan
Dec 27, 2006
Wii Online Code
WiiChat Weekly Interviews: FAQ's

Q: What is the purpose of interviewing members here at WiiChat?
A: My idea is that by interviewing the various forum members people can get to know said member better. Remember this is just for fun.

Q: What if people begin to brag about being interviewed?
A: If you see a member bragging about his or her interview please let me know. Anyone who brags about their interview will either have their interview canceled and or removed.

Q: When will you start interviewing people?
A: Next week I will begin to interview people.

Q: How many people will be interviewed per week:
A: Each week I will try to interview at least one person.

Q: Who will you be interviewing?
A: To start off I will try to alternate between members. Here's a slight example of the schedule I plan on possibly following.

Week 1:

- One WiiChat Staff Member.

Week 2:

- One WiiChat Member who has helped out around WiiChat.

Week 3:

- One Random Member will be drawn.

Q: How do I enter my name in for the draw?
A: If you would like to enter into the draw send me a private message letting me know. Every three weeks one member will be chosen to be interviewed.

Q: Can I suggest questions for the interviews?
A: Yes you can. Each week I will try to let members which person I will be interviewing so you have time to submit a question.

Q: How do I submit a question?
A: If you would like to submit a question please send me a private message. Here are the guidelines to follow.

Message Title: "X" Member Interview Question
What to include in the Private Message: Your question.


PM Title: Syntax Interview Question
Question: How did you find out about wiichat?/

Any inappropriate questions will be ignored.

Q: Have you done this before?
A: Yes, this idea originated from my old "Exclusive Interviews" over at another forum I used to post on frequently.

Q: What did they think of the interviews?
A: They enjoyed them. Not one person had a problem with them.

Q: When will these interviews start?
A: Interviews will start next week.


List of members I'm looking at interviewing:

Moderators (who have taken an interest in this)

- Prez
- Mitch2025
- The_Loose_Cannon

Members: Those Who Have Helped Out

- ssbb_lover (Design Lounge)
- Wiired (Design Lounge)
- SurfinRach90 (Entertainment Lounge)
- DarkPrinny (Owner Of A Red Mushroom)
- Brawny (Various Forum Tutorials)
- Cpt. McCloud (Edit Of The Week)
- Demonflair (Various Forum Tutorials)

Members: Draw

- None Yet

Next Weeks Interview: Prez

Please submit your names to me by sending me a private message. Also feel free to send me a pm if you have any other questions regarding the WiiChat Interviews. Also if you feel that I have missed a member who has helped out around the forum please let me know and I'll add that person to the list.
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