The 'Official' Post-Game Thread!

I think he's slightly better than Silver Fox. Silver Fox I can beat most of the time. He has a strong tendency to be host and host quit though he has let me win a couple of times when he is hosting. I've looked up his stats on the leaderboard and he has something like 50 days playtime, I don't know how he manages to keep interested given that he replicates the same style of play in every match and always uses the same weapons.

One of the things about levelling up through playing random conflict games is the satisfaction of seeing spammers such as him become less and less dangerous as you realise their whole play is based on using the OP wapons. As I said, it must get really boring. There is a player called "Sergio ATM" who I would also put in that list. probably "Lee" as well. I have noticed them both quit when a more skilful 56 is beating them.
There is a player called "Sergio ATM" who I would also put in that list. probably "Lee" as well. I have noticed them both quit when a more skilful 56 is beating them.

Yup, I'm familiar with both of those players, their spamming, and their RQs as soon as someone better starts beating them. And there are a number of others that you could list along with these.

Yesterday, I finally hit a 1.00 KDR overall. And I did it in a lobby with 4 level 56s and a level 53, all of whom were spamming. That felt pretty good. Felt sorry for the host, who was at level 11, because dude was definitely getting the worst of it.

GGs to Koopa again today. Those TC matches were a pain...I've never seen C.C. before, but he was good. I got spawn-locked in two different matches. Then I wasn't even trying to troll when I found you, Shinefest, and King Sonic in Heroes. Those were fun and well played by everyone. I'm almost embarrassed to ask, but were you running around with a Hawksman?
I have decided to make a montage feat. every gun. My camera tapes for 30 minutes and then goes to sleep mode.
so i've been playing 30 minutes with one gun and then i switch to the next till i taped myself playing with all the guns.
Yesterday i did the PP9 and the Torka.

Today i've finished up the Hawksman (TC games) and the Kunara(Heroes)
and played a bit more with the regular sigmus and magnum as well. Next up is the SLY.
Those where a couple of fun games. Though for me the heroes matches where most fun, cause the Kunara is a great gun in comparison to the hawksman.
which in truth isn't that shabby either.Was great to go up against both you and Shinefest.
Have to give a shoutut to Tampa for pwning bot several other 56s and myself on jungle last night, at least two of whom quit.

Thanks for recognizing! Twas a fun match the other day. When I saw you in the match, I have to admit to getting a litter "eager" with my strata, ext mag, HH, SS, Silencer loadout after the ribbing you gave me in this thread prior! ;-) Always a fun time...

Noob-toobin'? C'mon tampa, you're better than that, bro?

I was playing "explosion-only" GE that day with a few others...just for kicks. *CALIFORNIA* was hax'in bad in those matches anyway. I was just in it to make his victories taste worse! haha

That was a lot of fun, Tampa. For the one or two matches I got to play :/ And yes when you hit me with the t00b I said "OuchThatHurt". :D

Great IGN, Sev!

Thanks Goldie, I tried what you suggested and managed to dominate a match with several 56s on Jungle (including "Sean" and "Slipery Pete" who are two quite good players I come across fairly often)

Played against "sean" and "SliperyPete" before numerous times. Pete's definitely the better of the two IMHO. He's improved a lot from when he first started. SliperyPete also doesn't spam nearly as much, so I enjoy our games more.

Side note: Avoid GWEN, TOPRAMEN925, THE CAPYBARA, el matador, dyn, Whats Up, and A Narcissist if you don't like playing with spammers...just to name a few of the more notorious "<KWAEL>" wanna-bes out there in the conflict world. NEVER seen them without prox, and rarely without masterton.

I've just beaten "A Narcissist" on Archives, he's supposed to be quite good isn't he? He was using a Masterton which I kept stealing.

Speak of the devil and he appears... Yeah, he quits a lot when he isn't gonna win.
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Oscar...I'm just gonna call it like I see it. You are an xp-hacked spammer. Sorry...but it's true.

And oh yeah, GGs earlier when you and TOPRAMEN925 lost to my drumhead on archives anyway, despite you guys throwing out prox and masterton'ing! :lol:
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Tampa, Goldie, Yoshi, Kev[X], other[X], T-Mac, others GG's all.
Was a fun Nightclub, and Industrial.
Tampa, Goldie, Yoshi, Kev[X], other[X], T-Mac, others GG's all.
Was a fun Nightclub, and Industrial.

Yeah, GGs! I kept trying to invite Yoshi to party with me, Koopa, and Goldie, but he kept inviting me back. After about the 3rd failed attempt, I figured you were putting your own party together, so I trolled you with my 2 guys. It worked out well and set up a good 3v3 with each team getting 1 random. Nice games!
Ggs it was good laggy fun....except the first game. That was just a total disaster for me lol :D
Finished the night with some Conflict in the Facility. There's no better feeling than 1) taking out an opponent who's gaurding a part of the map then 2) leaving some proxy presents in said spot and 3) no sooner see that your proxies have taken them out again upon their return to their favorite little spot.
And that's how ya properly dispatch a camper. :lol: Wish I would've thought to use Claymores in similar method back when I played that awful Modern Warfare 2 game.
@Clem and Fist, some fun albeit barely playable games earlier.
I don't know why but you (clem) and YT-Paul as well always make me lag.
Teleportation, one shot kills, hitmarkers, getting killed after turning the corner are the norm when playing you 2 :)

Today might be me though, cause my internet went down due a storm or something yesterday and needed some repairs.
Either they haven't fixed it properly yet, or they did a shoddy job of it(already had to renew my Ip-adres several times) cause it has been laggy all day.
I got footage of a dude meleekilling me from two feet away, my mines never seem to go where i throw them, let alone detonate when i want them...
*Bleeping* Telenet(internetprovider) is not working properly for the umptieth time
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