What religion are you?


WiiChat Member
Feb 13, 2009
Kinda new here and i just wanted to know what religion everyone is. im catholic.
Be warned

This topic could get locked like all these religion topics do

I always write below
"None of the above as I need proffe before I believe in something other than that just leave me alone and dont try to convert me to your religion or I will try to confuse you by going into a ramble about why I dont follow a reiligion and why its all a load of crap and how you should prove it before talking to me"
But then I cant tick one of the boxies below it as my writeing is a bit big
Napalm's answer, times two.
I myself am not a religion but I would say I am a Christian.
I myself am not a religion but I would say I am a Christian.
Any realtion?

Im a Mike
I'm an Atheist, however I also tolerate other religions (except for the people who shove it down others' throats, or take it to terrible extremes).

Lol, don't think there's enough people here anymore to have a bit of drama.

Mmm.. I'm sure some drama can still be cooked up with the remaining, hah.
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