How Long Have you Been Foruming?

Shiftfallout said:
*cough* gayyyyy *cough*

just kidding I got it.

I don't do many forums, or at least don't really stay... Though I do remember going to every now and then. Had some really good ones on there. Some really quite "mature" and scary ones too.

If you ever see Squall7 in a [different] forum post, chances are it'll be me.
Crossing Central, an Animal Crossing forum back in 2002, I think. Man, I miss that place. The people were awesome.
I remember being a part of a Forum a LONG time ago, when I first got my gamecube I think.. It slowly Detteriarated, My self and three other members were the only ones posting..I can't even remember what that was called.
Then I joined ... That sucked, and then In May last year I found Wiichat, and I've never left! :p

Mostergamer SUCKS...

I Joined That About Two Years Ago... And On My Pervious Birthday... Which Was About Two Months Ago... They Sent Me An E-Mail Saying "Happy Birthday!"
Hmm.. first forum I joined up too.. I really can't remember :/

2005 I joined theforumsite where me and FR used to talk to each other actually, on the whole website I had 2 friends and FR was oen of them, which is rather spooky lol!

And then I was on newgrounds forums but their just arses on there... so I didn't bother, then I joined here..

Now I occasionally visit theforumsite and newgrounds, and I go on War Rock forums, but that's just usually when there's something up with the game or I need help..

In between those I also end up on random ones lol :/
Darkprinny said:
2003 - A hentai forum
The rest is history
Who saw that one coming?

1st forum...I joined runescape (OH GAWD!) in 02' I believe, but never posted on the forums...I actually joined Neopets quickly after that and played for about 1 month till I decided it was the most idiotic thing on the planet. Then :] Since then i've joined about 5 forums, but this is the best forum i've ever been on tbh, (some) of the people on here are really close, gotten to really know a select few and have become very, very tight with about 3 ya.
umm i was in 2 minor clan forums before this
this was my first public forum
so i guess ive been foruming since 2005ish

my bf is a moderator on the site. im hardly on....infact im never on anymore. we joined shortly after 9-11 hes still a big to do im not so much. i dont even pop on but i have a full paid membership we donated money and they gave us life time membership.

he also has a "hero rifle" that was donated to him for being at the WTC on 9-11