Official Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Help Thread the Chozo Lab where it says it should be? I don't remember exactly where it is but if you have hints turned on follow those and then describe the room to refresh my memory...
ok nm I found the place, the only problem is im stukc there, it has some gears and stuff and a big one on the floor which you can move, i can throw it up, but thats about it.
ok, so i'm currently harvesting Elysia for pickups, and there still appears to be a white dot near where the Spider Ball was, but i can't figure out where it is, or how to get it! any help would be appreciated.
My apologies to those who helped me, I did not need to restart and what you told me to was right, I am such an idiot, oh well I am back to where I was or rather past it, as I am in the Pirate Homeworld now, but could have been much farther if I was not so dumb :lol:
wario2ooo or you say lol in almost all your anyways I'm at the part where I just beat helio and blew up that place with the bomb, now how many energy cells should I have at this point(how much health)??
wario2ooo said:
or use a change blast while its air borne
Yeah, that's what I did, but if missles work, try those...the charge shot was a little difficult. Oh, and if you didn't know, get the gear in the air by jumping on the nearby ledge and using the grappling beam...

TortillaChip said:
ok, so i'm currently harvesting Elysia for pickups, and there still appears to be a white dot near where the Spider Ball was, but i can't figure out where it is, or how to get it! any help would be appreciated.
Hm, again, if you could describe the room it would be greatly me help you :lol:

CantGetAWii said:
My apologies to those who helped me, I did not need to restart and what you told me to was right, I am such an idiot, oh well I am back to where I was or rather past it, as I am in the Pirate Homeworld now, but could have been much farther if I was not so dumb
Haha, no prob, but sucks for you :ciappa:

No worries though, I did the same kind of thing with Echoes when I first got it :scared:

blankconnection said:
wario2ooo or you say lol in almost all your anyways I'm at the part where I just beat helio and blew up that place with the bomb, now how many energy cells should I have at this point(how much health)??
Oh, you mean Energy TANKS? Hm...if you're ever unsure, go to the Chozo Observatory in Skytown and launch the sattelites by using the bomb slots...they will reveal the power-up locations for places you've been (including Energy Tanks)

Go back to where you got the spiderball and go on the spiderball track all the way to the end. If you look there will be another spiderball track across from the one you came in on leading back outside. It will take you to the white dot item. It took me a long time to find that one.
yeah, i got it, thanks. now i'm in the "hidden court" on bryyo, and there appears to be a pickup near some thing that "...seems to be missing a large battery..."

Ok, I got this one ^_^

You know where you blew up the second Anti-Air cannon while trying to disable the Leviathan's sheild? (Off the Thorn Hollow Landing Site or whatever) Look around near the remnants of the cannon with your command visor to find a giant battery. Pick it up with your ship's grapple beam and take it back to where you just were. After placing the battery in it's holding spot, the rest should become self-explanetory =D
I am trying to find the last of the white dots, right now I am stuck on a few in Skytown.

1. Powerworks, there appears to be one outside of this area but I have no clue how to get to it.

2. Skybridge Hera, this one has to be in the pipe above the entrance to the junction, but I'll be damned if I know how to get to it.

I am at 90% or something and I wanted to get all the dots before I go to Phaaze, any help would be appreciated.
Need to know if what I have done so far has been right.
In the pirate homeworld, I got the new visor, rummaged through and fought Gandrayda.

If that is right, where do I go about next, what do I need to do?
Yups, now you need to head to Skytown to get the Spider Ball and then head back to the Pirate Homeworld to get the Hazard Sheild...there should be a landing site nearby that makes it easier if I'm not mistaken...

ElronMac, I'm sorry, I don't remember those ones >_<