pokemon you hate

. . . I loved Magikarp until I saw that first video. Now I'm just annoyed.

lol i sent him that! (your welcome ck)



It was funny for the first 3 minutes

And after 3 minutes, it got hilarious.

:D :D :D :D :D J, you've made me proud.

i hate....the freak that is pikachu
pichu and raichu are cool tho

now I hate milktank ,seaking & noctowl
Oh CK!

One of my friends hates Latias so much, he wants to rip her into over 9,000 pieces. He used to hate Rouge the Bat like that, but he got over it.
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I hate all the starters and seaking :burgerking:

Gaaaaaah! More Seaking haters?!

Anything with a high encounter rate in caves... Ugh. Geodudes, Zubats, etc. can all go to hell. Running out of repels isn't fun once you're used to them... .-.
I despise bidoof..... dastardly, freakin' bastard! It does nothing but saying crap all day!!!

P.S I hate SeaKing.:lol: Nah, nah I was just joking CK.:lol: Maybe...Jk.;)