SEGA exec: Wii to look "dated", PS3 to win

laughs is what I go for and laughs is what I get :D
This is coming from Sega. The company that only occupied 20% of the console wars back in the day before Sony destroyed them. If history repeats like it does, Microsoft may destroy Sony. I never wanted to say that, but as I said before, history repeats. An overpriced console has NEVER won a console war. It would be a first.

Neo Geo, Saturn, Xbox(not the 360), 32x, Virtual Boy, Atari 5200 all failed by competing at the highest prices of their times.
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Microsoft has a horrid console. The 360 breaks and the Xbox didnt start to make money for years.

If history repeats, Sony will be on top. They've been around since 1957, im sure they know how they market will grow by now.
sega doesn't do console anymore. they failed in that department already. they now make games. and if sega developers are questioning the Wii at this point of time which is still basically launch, that is freaking scary. i don't care if you're a nintendo fanboy or not. this is not good to hear.
"But how much value can developers and creative folks get out of this wrist motion two years from now, or 5 years from now, or 10 years from now?" Steinberg said.

I think this guy is typical big business man who really doesn't have a clue what people really want. He has a vested interest in the wiimote NOT surviving. What is it? That it's more costly to code for. Think about it. It's simple. Code for two control methods or one? It's that simple.

The wiimote has so much more potential than the aged standard console control. Adding motion sense to the old controller isn't helping that much. Being able to POINT makes a HUGE difference.

What will bury the standard controller is if the developers get around to coding for it.

Mice are more accurate than thumb sticks. The wiimote CAN be more accurate than a mouse.
strommsarnac said:
"But how much value can developers and creative folks get out of this wrist motion two years from now, or 5 years from now, or 10 years from now?" Steinberg said.

I think this guy is typical big business man who really doesn't have a clue what people really want. He has a vested interest in the wiimote NOT surviving. What is it? That it's more costly to code for. Think about it. It's simple. Code for two control methods or one? It's that simple.

The wiimote has so much more potential than the aged standard console control. Adding motion sense to the old controller isn't helping that much. Being able to POINT makes a HUGE difference.

What will bury the standard controller is if the developers get around to coding for it.

Mice are more accurate than thumb sticks. The wiimote CAN be more accurate than a mouse.

I dissagree completely. Motion sensing offers ONE type of input, that is all. That one type of input is very limited given the Wii's hardware. You do realize that in order to do advanced things you need to be able to process those forms of input smoothly. THe Wii runs on a 700mhz cpu, and is barely able to run some of the games found on the system. Sony has it right by mixing a secondary input to support the main form of input (analog sticks and buttons). A wiimote is not more accurate than a mouse. Sorry to break it to ya. The future of console gaming relies on one main form of input with supporting forms of input. Motion control, image recognition via camera (eyetyoy), dance pads..ect those are all additional forms of input and should never be forced to become the main source, which is what the wii has done.

Ever ask yourself why the wii is going to be putting more gamecube controller reliant games on the market? because the wiimote IS limited. Its a back seat toy, not the main tool of the trade.

Anyways, go ahead and stick to your opinion, but I have to tell you its way off. But then, I guess you could say that just my opinion, however I can always back my opions up with facts. =)
So what your saying is, if RE4 and Zelda on wii was both remote and GC controller compatable, its almost pointless to even port it?
The current market sales will remain the same. The real revolution will be in price drops. It's clear the 360 and PS3 can't get past 20 million units sold without dropping their prices. Developers like Square are saying it's costing too much to make next gen games. They made more money off the DS with FF6. The changes are taking place now, the console that can adapt the most will be the winner.
I have no say of who will be the winner, because as of right now, its too early to tell!

Oh, i believe this should end this discussion!

Steinberg of Sega clarifies earlier Wii remarks
Posted Jun 18, 2007 at 05:32AM by Sally B.

Listed in: News
Tags: Sega, Reuters After voicing out his opinions on the Wii's current popularity, Sega of America's Steinberg appended a few additional words to quell the negative hype that was brewing amongst gamers and (quite possibly developers) as well. Steinberg said in his additional statement to Reuters:

Sega has fully supported the Wii since day one and we continue to do so - it’s no secret that we are close partners. Nintendo has done a masterful job of selling its vision and expanding the market. That said, it’s a shared responsibility and opportunity for the whole industry to take advantage of the possibilities of the Wii. If we don’t realise its true potential, we will have missed a great opportunity to expand creatively and that is what I was cautioning against in the Reuters interview. I’m not just putting the responsibility of innovation on Nintendo. It’s on SEGA and all the publishers and developers as well to carry that flag.

Sounds like a good enough comeback to appease offended parties about what Steinberg said in the other Reuters interview, which spawned a lot of heated debates in several gaming blogs, especially between Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3 fanboys and girls alike.

We'll just have to see for ourselves how the console wars turn out in the long run.

Can We Please Close This Thread!
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
If the wii looks dated in future years I'll just buy the Wii II ?

its already outdated by far. But if you buy the wii 2, then that means you care more about the company and franchise figures than the actual product.

Wii 2 shouldnt come till at least 2010. However I have a sneaking suspition it will happen before. NIntendo should have stuck with ..well NINTENDO. Snes. Nintendo entertainment system. The wii is a smart move, but it has no future unless nintendo goes on par with sony and microsofts level of technology and next gen cabability. If i want to play good outdated games I would play the snes or n64. Not the wii.

Of course, the wii is the direct response to the failure of the game cube. you see every company sets up a projected goal.. an income if you will. They expect a certain profit, a bare minimal to say the least. The game cube didnt even come close to their projected expectations so they changed their plans. They came up with the wii, using old and cheap tech, they threw out a gimmick controller that has been around for awhile in other forms of tech.
I think nintendo was smart. They have succesfully sucked the money out of millions. I love what the wiimote can do, but I also am smart enough to know that I got less than what I paid for. The wii is an outdated system that cant use even half of what the wiimote is capable of. Not to mention I also know that the other third party hardware has produced wiimote type controllers, and that the wiimote succeeds only with fast response. Often this is a problem many hardcore gamers have with wireless mouses.

NIntendo is not the quality of ages past (snes/nes) they are now a marketing company, set on profit not quality. People need to wake up to this. Mr. Miamoto-san isnt even taken seriously anymore. HE is one of the damn founders of nintendos gaming success. Things have really gone down hill.

Hey I would buy a wii 2, only if it offered something new. Meaning, the wiimote was a nice change but its done before. They cant afford to do it again with old hardware. Meaning, if they want to succeed, they need to keep offering something new to the table or keep up to date with the other systems... and ninty doesnt have the money to compete with M$ or $ony.
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Reasons I bought the wii...

I enjoy the games - style - unique quirky apps - The awesome new control method - yet retro feel.

Reason I'd buy the wii 2.
I expect it will offer all these things - but also improve upon them.

And as for
"But if you buy the wii 2, then that means you care more about the company and franchise figures than the actual product."
No, if Sony bought Nintendo (hypothetically) - released the Nintendsony Wii 2 - I'd buy that!.. True I trust Nintendo's quality and vision - thats a factor in my purchasing the Wii. But its not the full reason I bought it. I bought the Wii for what it is - All the cool stuff it can do - not for what it says on the box.

As for Nintendo not being what it was ages past - thats not true. The DS is amazing, great fun. Only games I need are Metroid and Mario Kart (although I play Tony hawk, Lunar Knights, loads of great games). The Nintendo flagship titles are as good as ever (I think).
Also back in the day the Nes had some absolutely f*ckin horrible abominations of games. And who can forget my favourite Superman 64! Nintendo is as it has always been - a mixed bag - except now its back on top since the SNES/(start of N64) era.
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what a depressing topic in the forums

now I feel like I could go throw my Wii in the trash and never remember I had one...

it seems the main reason the Wii woudn't survive is the lack of support from it's players

wow leave it to you to make a thread thats almost 100% directed to the Wii.. i thought this place got better fanboy-wise.

Seriously, big deal. The Wii doesnt utilize big hardware. How many times has this been mentioned and turned into a whole thread about in the PS3 SECTION? You guys got anything better to do then rant about the same useless crap all day? lol.

All 3 Systems are good, and none of you (however much you think you do) know what is going to happen by the end of this generation.
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