So when's your bedtime?

Pff, go to sleep? I always manage to get a 15 hour night sleep in of a weekend. It's good on Tuesdays because my English class starts at 2pm and I can make up some lost ground so I'm not completely out of it. I've woke up early a couple of times by myself, but I'd need a good solid sleep the night before that. I admit, the morning is the nicest part of the day, I'm actually missing out on it but feeling knackered is horrible.

I get my sleep, it's just scattered all around the day. Personally, I couldn't wake up so early in the morning unless it was important, like a holiday or whatnot, where I usually fall asleep on the motorway. Keh, other than that all nighters are only the real time I ever have to "appreciate the morning" but I'm not really bothered.

And I fall down the stairs when I'm tired. =(
OMG 15 hrs a night!!!

Im lucky if I get that in 3 nights ,
Ive often stayed awake from friday through to sunday night

..Bedtimes !!! ...pfft..
12am-2am on Weekdays - I have to wake up for work at 6:30.

1am-4am on Weekends.

There were a few times in high school where I would stay up all night playing Diablo/Asheron's Call on computer, and then go to school... good times.