SSBB Is online and that's final

If its not online I will freaking bust a gut! I will want a picture of all of your crying faces! It would be too F***ing funny!!!! :lol: I'm not lying! I'm that evil! I will literally be sent to the hospital from laughing too hard! Its hilarious just thinking about it right now! Too funny!!! I will rub it in until your houses are full of tears! Too FREAKING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!

Anyways yeah it'll prolly have online but I'll never feel sure until its out.
No I was just stating that if you had read my post you would know that I wanted to end this and we could have left it at that but you just kept going...
S.S. said:
No I was just stating that if you had read my post you would know that I wanted to end this and we could have left it at that but you just kept going...
You kinda just kept on going right there :lol: lol.....
Yeah I did...:frown2:

But I was trying to make sure I wasn't percieved as an arrogant @$$#0!3 and instead came off as a hypocrit :wtf:
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  • #351
BLARGETH!!!! chill guys. this is all useless bull. u guys arent even talking about the original arguement anymore
Shoko, I've explained several times now why this thread will never come to a consensus.

When it was originally posted it was a good discussion, but now everyone has said what they wanted to say. Not only that, but there is no possible way to change a person's mind. Like I've said numerous times, this thread is not about whether or not you think Brawl will be online or not, it is about how your mind thinks; whether or not you take common sense to be truth or if you need specific information to see something as proof.

All in all, this thread has become a breeding ground for flamers.
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  • #354
wat i dont get is why there was/is flamming. this thread is ver simple. people in here made somethin so simple so complicated
Shoko said:
wat i dont get is why there was/is flamming. this thread is ver simple. people in here made somethin so simple so complicated
This is why:
CyanRussel said:
Ontopic: SSBB will be online....well in my view...until they confirm that its not.
Ill stick to what i think, untill i am proven wrong.:smilewinkgrin:
There is no way to change his 'view' because that is the way his mind thinks. When someone with a different 'view' tries to persuade him, they get frustrated because they cannot. They then resort to flaming because they have a different view, and because there is no way to change the other persons view.
LevesqueIsKing said:
This is why:

There is no way to change his 'view' because that is the way his mind thinks/KNOWS. When someone with a different 'view' tries to PERSUADE him, they get frustrated because they CANNOT. They then resort to FLAMING because they have a different view, and because there is no way to change the other persons view.
There we go..:lol:

Why cant people just respect other ppls opinions?:scared:
Except that you're just proving his point Cyan. And disproving yours. By saying it's an opinion and stating it as a fact you are becoming an example...

whether or not you take common sense to be truth
And that right there is the problem. You as well are too set in your ways. I agree that I Brawl will be online, but if it's not I will be dissappionted; not suprised. There are plenty of other things that companies, Nintendo included, should have done and it seemed likely that they would, but in the end they did not. I agree that the most sensable choice would be for Brawl to be online. Whether or not it WILL be is an entirely different matter that we have no control of.
^Some define a hero with justice. Others define a hero by sticking up for what they believe in.

S.S. said:
Except that you're just proving his point Cyan. And disproving yours. By saying it's an opinion and stating it as a fact you are becoming an example...
Your really starting to piss me off. Cyan said ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about your opinion. Since when can Cyan not have an opinion. You can have an opinion and respect other peoples opinions at the same time, just like Cyan said. If you could provide me with some proof that Cyan disregarded your opinion, than I MIGHT begin to consider this a logical post.
S.S. said:
And that right there is the problem. You as well are too set in your ways. I agree that I Brawl will be online, but if it's not I will be dissappionted; not suprised. There are plenty of other things that companies, Nintendo included, should have done and it seemed likely that they would, but in the end they did not. I agree that the most sensable choice would be for Brawl to be online. Whether or not it WILL be is an entirely different matter that we have no control of.
^This is step one: Attempt to persuade someone who thinks differently.
Would you like to take a shot at step two?

You are the one that is closing off all other opinions, if you havent noticed. I'd suggest you stop trying to prove to us that your way of thinking is superior.