SSBB Is online and that's final

Oh thanks, but we log onto that site everyday so we knew..

Shoko, you know how these guys are, you shouldn't be surprised.
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^ur right, i shouldnt be surprised.

to monsteroids: 1) when did i state i was a gamer?
2) im a fanboy cause i stated that brawl is online?

ah, wat am im doing? im just gonna start another arguement. but go ahead monsteroids, use ur horrible reasoning and logic to try to argue me down, or have u had enough? i dont see what the point is argueing with me and Leve.
{Axtlár} said:
Oh, I see, I thought it was already existent..well, who knows? maybe Disaster: day of Crisis will be that way, I currently study Geology and disasters made by volcanoes like landslides and lava flows intrigue me, and they will be in this game for sure.
yess i think mega natural disasters are very interesting as well..i always love watching that show on history channel ( i think called mega disasters) where they show you what would happen with different things such as a volcano in new york and the such, great show.
but, im talking about a game that takes full advantage of the wiimote and could never have been thought of until the wiimote came..disasters doesnt seem like that game...actually id love to see disaster on 360/ps3 for the graphics, cause theyll play a huge part in that game. o_O
He is still getting the game, he is just mad because of the system the game uses for online play.

Oh, I know what you're talking about, Sovieto, and I too have wished for a game like that..If that game is being made, It would be interesting if it functioned for the Wii Fit stand for a more unique feeling to it.
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Hm, so based on the recent change of conversation, it seems NEITHER of us are fanboys :wtf:

We both like both systems and just have personal preferances. So why the F*** are we even arguing?

Well I am happy to hear that from you, as a reward, I will buy Banjo
+ Kazooie 3 for the 360...but what Killer app are you reffering to?
Damn dude, you weren't already planning to buy it? :shocked:

actually id love to see disaster on 360/ps3 for the graphics, cause theyll play a huge part in that game. o_O
Hm, definately not PS3, but 360 would be ok. But you know one of the games I REALLY wanna get as soon as I get a 360 is World In Conflict. Looks like it'll be MUCH better than most War games. Most war games (especially WWII games) are too predictable, especially considering you already know the outcome of the war. The Cold War is theoretical though cuz in actuality it never rose past political conflict. Ultimately Banjo-Kazooie 3, Sonic The Hedgehog, and World In Conflict are going to force me to buy a 360, but then I'll prolly actually BUY the Halo series instead of just playing it at my friend's house. And the realness of Gears of War is kinda sickening, but how's the game story- and soundtrack-wise? Cuz I'll get it if it's a good game, but if you just like chainsawing people in Multiplayer than I won't spend the money =P

We're getting off-topic but it doesn't really matter for a few reasons:
1) There IS no topic anymore
2) We're not arguing
3) There aren't any mods anyway
No I wasn't, and I don't have a 360, ok? and I AM a fanboy, Nintendo fanboy to be exact.
the picture that shows all of the icons for online play can mean many things. one is that it isn't scrolled all the way to the top. second is that it's just a prototype and third is that maybe you'll only be able to play with starters online (even if you unlocked all of the characters)
andrewguy said:
maybe you'll only be able to play with starters online (even if you unlocked all of the characters)

I seriously doubt that. For one, you can use unlockable characters in MSC online, aswell as the fact that many players would be angry causing a lot of them to not use online. That could possibly decrease sales aswell so they wouldn't make a mistake like that.
{Axtlár} said:
No I wasn't, and I don't have a 360, ok? and I AM a fanboy, Nintendo fanboy to be exact.
Well if you're a Nintendo fanboy, surely you've played the first 2 Banjo-Kazooie games for the N64? Those games are so amazing that, once I saw the preview for the new one, I decided I WILL get the 360. I already wanted to because of Sonic Next Gen and Guiter Hero I, II, and 80s. But that preview sealed the deal for me. It tops my X-Mas list and if I don't get it then, I'll be saving my money until I have enough and then ask for the games for my B-Day in April.

And fine, you can be a fanboy but I prefer to be unbiased. Nintendo has a history of catching my attention better, but again, I plan on getting the 360. MAYBE a PSP too, but iono...
Well that sounds very good for you...and yes I like Banjo+Kazooie 1, never played the second one, and I hope that Rare returns to Nintendo so that that game BK3 comes to the Wii..but I ain't buying the 360
mm, I'd like Rare to return as well, but I really don't see it happening. Which is why we haven't seen anymore DK64-style DK games...most of that stuff is owned by Rare o_O
*cry* One of the best Nintendo franchises is dead (DK) *cry*

That was like the first series I ever played through and it is one of my favorites of all time. Every single DK game since DK 64 has been ****.