Views on Drinking, Smoking, Ect.

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eeeeeeeeee...:sick: i wouldnt ever drink, take drugs, smoke etc, but then again thats me, it doesn't bother me if people drink, but it's the smoking that makes me sick~no offense to any smokers in here^^~ My personal view is that you smoke away from a non-smoker so that they're not passive smoking.. but also those who take DRUGS need help ~ im not saying it in a rude way but seriously..i don't see why they do it :confused:
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ssbb_lover said:
Tastes good? :lol: Also, it's a moral thing, you obviously don't think of getting drunk as a sin, but i'm a Christian (no one flame me or get in a political debate about it...) so I do think that. Say it's stupid or whatever, it's just what I think/believe.

Wait. what do you mean, "moral thing?"
Pot? Fine by me as long as its not a chronic thing and isn't effing up your life.

Alcohol? I likes it. Whether getting completely wasted or just social drinking I don't see a problem with alcohol. To me its only stupid people with retarded friends who end up hurting themselves. Sorta like that Natalie Hollyway girl.

Smoking? I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. God I can't say that enough. The smell. The cost. The effects of what you're doing to not only yourself but to ME as well. Secondhand smoke has been proven to be MORE dangerous than smoking the damn cigarette itself! How f*cked up is that!? Seriously if a girl I liked smoke I'd drop her like a ton of bricks.
Neither is weed, really. I never use enough to **** myself up. I am very conservative with my weed, unlike pretty much everyone else I have met who "smoke out" all the time. I agree though that it is all a personal thing.
It's a pretty diverse topic when you discuss peoples opinions and views on alcohol and drugs, although there are a few things we know we can all agree on.

When it comes to alcohol, who (and I refer to those of us of drinking age) doesn't enjoy a drink every now and again? Whether it's down at the pub with a couple of mates while unwinding, watching a band or just socialising/mingling? I've never heard any complaints about this (of course that's implying moderation of drinks, and thus you don't interfere with the state of anyone else's evening in a negative manner - Drink responsibly!).

Drugs on the other hand are a much touchier issue... Of course under the banner of "drugs" are so many substances that "drugs" have really become a part of every day life; from the coffee we enjoy with breakfast (even tea to a degree) to the headache tablets we take when feeling unwell, not to mention the alcohol we enjoy, are all commonly accepted forms of drugs and nobody questions them as they are all sanctioned and not considered illicit.

The "drugs" that are being referred to here I'm gathering are those of a more illicit nature. It's a difficult subject, as everybody seems to have a different view and opinion as to whether they are right or wrong, whether they should be prohibited or legalised, and of course all the medical and health factors surrounding them.

Well, as far as I'm concerned, I don't see how something like marijuana can be illegal while cigarettes are legal. If they do legalise it, chances are it is not going to increase the ammount consumed (as those using it already have means to obtain it, as for most people it really is not hard to come by), it will deal a major blow to drug dealers whose profit from the sales of formerly illicit substances will be reduced substantially (their services will no longer be required if you could buy your marijuana from reputable sources with the substance grown to government standards as opposed to some junkie's back yard).

The main reason it's illegal is because it's a mind-altering substance, a hallucenogen (if thats how its spelt), but when you think about it, how much stuff already available is not mind altering? Alcohol and many types of medication (which are all legal) can be considered hallucenogens.

What really burns me up is how destructive cigarettes are, and noone ever says anything about them. I hate them. What further sickens me is the fact there's people profiting in the multi-millions of dollars off peoples deaths and ill-health each year. Cigarette-related diseases kill tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people every year, and noone ever talks about outlawing them or the 4,000+ chemicals they contain. The public (and quite possibly the private) health sector is clogged with patients of smoking-related illnesses, costing the tax payers millions every year. But if they had never begun smoking in the first place then the public health system would operate much more effectively and deal with less preventable diseases and disorders.

Marijuana on the other hand, is completely natural, no added chemicals, no road tar, no rat poison, no arsenic, no paint stripper, the list goes on... As far as I know, marijuana has never killed anyone in the way cigarettes have.

I find this interesting to discuss, as about three years ago (during the golden days of 2004 when I repeated Year 12) I was in a stoner phase for nearly six months, and what fun it was, we had some damn fun times. I stopped doing it shortly after my 18th though. I'm reluctant to use it nowadays (and have not used it in quite a long time) as I really need to think straight and with clarity for university which has just began, and whatnot.

Closing statement - I don't have a problem with marijuana. Pills, Heroin, Cocaine though, I do have a problem with because those drugs are thoroughly EVIL (not to mention expensive, you could buy a Wii game [maybe even a Wii console] for what you'd pay for one portion of heroin) not to mention what they do to your body - make you age faster, turn your hair grey, make your hair fall out, turn your skin all scabbed and mottley - basically making you one disgusting mofo.

So take care all, and try to learn as much as you can about something before doing it. Informed choices are the way of the wise.
Ezekiel86 said:
What really burns me up is how destructive cigarettes are, and noone ever says anything about them. I hate them. What further sickens me is the fact there's people profiting in the multi-millions of dollars off peoples deaths and ill-health each year. Cigarette-related diseases kill tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people every year, and noone ever talks about outlawing them or the 4,000+ chemicals they contain. The public (and quite possibly the private) health sector is clogged with patients of smoking-related illnesses, costing the tax payers millions every year. But if they had never begun smoking in the first place then the public health system would operate much more effectively and deal with less preventable diseases and disorders.

Don't know about Australia, but smoking is a huge debate in the US. Smoking bans are spreading and I suspect it's only a matter of time before the only place you'll be able to smoke is in your own home (as long as there aren't children around).
Here are my thoughts.

Smoking is bad for your physical health. Some people get great joy from smoking. Cigarettes are a social crutch. They are the perfect conversation starter. But, they are killers.

As for weed. People like to say that it is not addictive, but I don't believe that. They are finding new chemicals in weed all the time. There are something like 400 known chemicals. Also, people like to say that weed is not a gateway drug. I strongly disagree. This is why.....who is the first person to offer the cocaine or whatever other drug? It is almost always the person that sells the weed, or someone who you smoke weed with. So, if you never smoked weed, you wouldn't be offered the other drugs.
hiredgoonz said:
Don't know about Australia, but smoking is a huge debate in the US. Smoking bans are spreading and I suspect it's only a matter of time before the only place you'll be able to smoke is in your own home (as long as there aren't children around).

You can thank our asshole mayor in ny for starting the no smoking ban :sick:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
You can thank our asshole mayor in ny for starting the no smoking ban :sick:

It's now banned in all public places in Hawaii and the bans for bars are spreading everywhere...

Hard to say how I feel about it...on one hand it sucks to go out and sit in a smoke filled bar...on the other hand, it's not like you're being forced to sit in a smoke filled bar.

Business owners should probably be free to make the smoking/non-smoking decision...if you don't want to work or drink there...don't go there...
Tacos said:
What about the people who have worked there for years?

If you applied for, were offered, and accepted a job in a bar, you don't have much room to ***** about there anyone in the world that doesn't know that bars are pretty much filled with smoke?

Not to be callous, but I don't want to freeze to death or drown after I fall off a crab fishing boat, so guess what? I don't work on a crab fishing boat...I'm not forced to accept a job which has conditions I don't like.

The reason I even bring up the bar thing is that bar owners have absolutely no recourse for the loss of business they suffer when smoking bans take effect.

Even bars in which the owners have installed smoke-filtration systems (that keep the air cleaner than the air your breath on the street) are not exempt...

Smoking is bad for you, extensive exposure to second-hand smoke is bad for you...the thing is, in what part of your life are you being forced to be around smokers?

I doubt you've read the whole thread, (not a criticism, just a comment) so I will reiterate something I posted earlier: smokers should be courteous.

-Don't smoke around kids.
-Don't smoke around large groups of people who can't reasonably avoid the smoke. (amusement parks, zoos, etc.)
-If someone asks you to put it out, do so.
-Don't throw the @%$#^%$ butts on the ground.
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