Views on Drinking, Smoking, Ect.

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i hate smokers/drinkers no offence its just a waste of money and i dont wanna take a risk of me diein
The_Loose_Cannon said:
there are no addictives in pot

nicotine is something you get addicted to. there is nothing in pot that can cause addiction. People smoke pot because its habitual but its EXTREAMLY easy to stop. there are no signes of withdrawels. you dont shake, you dont gain weight (you gain weight when you binge like eating a whole pie "the munchies") and you dont sweat at night like other things that cause addiction IE harder drug usage

unless someone is lacing your pot with LSD or something else along those lines, again, there is nothing addictive in pot

ETA- i cant believe i wrote "LCD" instead of LSD at first wow! lmfao
Nicotine is not the same kind of addiction compared to a drug such as morphine or crack.

Nicotine addiction is not really an addiction, nothing like it. once u have seen a crack addict, you will have no sympothy for those who say they can't give up smoking because they are addicted to it.
Gaz said:
Nicotine is not the same kind of addiction compared to a drug such as morphine or crack.

Nicotine addiction is not really an addiction, nothing like it. once u have seen a crack addict, you will have no sympothy for those who say they can't give up smoking because they are addicted to it.

very true. you wont have the cold sweats in the middle of the night or the cronic feeling like youre going to die when quitting ciggs

what im sayins is that nicotine is addicting and crack is addicting. how they are addicting is 2 seperate things. withdrawel symptoms are never the same

but i get what youre saying and its good to clarify to those that dont know. thank you
The_Loose_Cannon said:
this is the first thing i can actually agree with you on

as for girls losing their virginity younge, its so sad......i lost mine younge at 14 it was the biggest mistake of my life. i ended up dating the guy i lost it with for 3 years after that and i knew him for a long time previously before that (he was my older brothers friend from HS the guy was 21) he had just been accepted to one of the local PDs and i was very drunk and we ended up sleeping together. it messed me up a bit and i was highly depressed (my parents were divorcing and i didnt know WHAT i was doing in life). so yeah if i oculd take it back i would in a heart beat. probably the one thing i regret the most.

most girls have SO much more going for them besides ALL looking the same with the same clothes, same straight hair, same body build (extreamly thin) and all liking the same boys thinking if i go and "party" hell like me and i can do all these things with him even though i have no idea what they are! ive watch my maury where these kids that are 13 and up wanting to have children and have sex and my god these are children!!!! it upsets me nearly every day sometimes when i see this......

i dont understand why society makes these girls act like the next "paris hilton" i swear to god i would punch her in the face.....i believe her and all that spoiled slutty behavior makes these kids act this way

I totally agree with you on losing your virginity at a young age. That happened to me and I would take it back in a heart beat if I could. I was young and the guy was a total a** and it ended up being a very abusive relationship causing so many things to happen, I would never wish it on anyone. I hate it when my friends say, oh I can't wait to have sex and I sit there and say no you don't! Wait till it you find that man that means something to you!

I watch Maury too and I hate it when these young girls, that are pretty, dress up sluty and have sex with random guys or want to get preganant. Its really sad and its hard to see the mother sit there and cry for their daughter.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
very true. you wont have the cold sweats in the middle of the night or the cronic feeling like youre going to die when quitting ciggs

what im sayins is that nicotine is addicting and crack is addicting. how they are addicting is 2 seperate things. withdrawel symptoms are never the same

but i get what youre saying and its good to clarify to those that dont know. thank you
i think i would be right in saying that nicotine is addicting by the way it effects the euphoric feeling of your state of mind when you have a fag.
Gaz said:
i think i would be right in saying that nicotine is addicting by the way it effects the euphoric feeling of your state of mind when you have a fag.

absolutely. theres no doubt about that. remember it "relieves the tention"

and i love how in europe they say fag which either means a bundle of sticks or a cigg. when i went to israel they said it there the litteral translation is "fag" not ciggerette.
WiiEvolved said:
i hate smokers/drinkers no offence its just a waste of money and i dont wanna take a risk of me diein

That's mighty understanding of you...

And you do know that there's really only one cause of death, right? It's called birth...everybody who is born will die, everything else is just paperwork...

Everything you do adds a certain amount of risk to your life...sure, smoking isn't good for you and there's no sense in taking undue risks, but you could apply that logic to anything: driving, swimming, biking, skydiving, flying...

If it gives you enough pleasure to justify the risk (and without hurting anyone else) then it's worth doing...I'm sure there are activities you partake in that fall into that category...
Darkprinny said:
Its also slag for Gay in a rude way

yes to those who are ignorant and call the gays that name. its not even the real meaning of the word and thats what i dont understand.
It has been found that Marijuana can be addictive because of the opiates in it. That is not to say that everyone who smokes is addicted to it but there is a possibility. Just thought you would all like to know because I too have heard that whole "It is psychologically addictive but not physically..." which upon continuing research doesn't seem the case.
n3gative3 said:
It has been found that Marijuana can be addictive because of the opiates in it. That is not to say that everyone who smokes is addicted to it but there is a possibility. Just thought you would all like to know because I too have heard that whole "It is psychologically addictive but not physically..." which upon continuing research doesn't seem the case.

If your marijuana has opiates in it, they were put there after it grew...opiates come from opium, which comes from the poppy...

There are also some synthetic opioids, but marijuana is not, nor does it contain opiates...
The_Loose_Cannon said:
ETA- fistputtingnork? im sorry i spelt your name HORRIBLY wrong but you are very smart i dont know if anyone ever told you that seriously i mean it.

the is 10000% right on the reprocussions on smoking weed. the only thing i disagree with is the gate way drug "myth" although many sources would debate that it is or isnt, i believe it is. ive said it again to be even more repeatative that its one of the lesser of the evil drugs out there but if youre willing to try one thing thats illegal chances are youre willing to do others. but that goes for just about anything else too weither its under age drinking, or smoking ciggs. smoking ciggs can make you wanna try weed so whos to say ciggs arent a gateway "drug" either? go figure that one!

kind of messed up that im a cop and i think this way meanwhile if i were to tell my department id probably be looked at wierd and possibly written up for not taking away pot from kids and looking the other way.

i can lecture as much as i want but will it get them to stop by false propeganda telling them that its TRUELY that bad? no they know. kids arent as stupid as you think sometimes it amazes me. BUT they are ignorant when it comes to stating these facts. they may know it BUT do not have the proper references to say such facts. thats what annoys me.

Hey thanks a lot, I really appreciate it.

I respect your opinion on marijuana being a gateway drug. My opinion on the matter has been stated, and though my opinion parallels the statistics, I have put my own experiences into that opinion. I have no desire to try coke, meth, heroine, etc... I've never tried it, and I've only been offered 1 other drug before in my life and that has been coke, and it was all a misunderstanding. I'm against any drug that is man made. I would try mushrooms, kratom, peyote, opium, etc... Anything that is natural I would at least consider trying, but I really don't have a need to hunt out any of these and try them now. I'll be just as happy if I die an old man and never try a single one. I have done salvia though, which is still legal in most states, but also a natural drug.

If some people choose not to try pot, or if they try it and decide it's not for them, I'll support them 100%. I just don't support the idea that it's a killer, it causes you to snap, people who do it are automatically bad people, etc... You seem to understand that, and I could be wrong, but I'm certain you're not a "pot head", yet you have consideration for the other point of view. Whether you agree or not with my POV, all I ask is that you listen to it shall you decide to discuss it, and respect it for what it is, my opinion.

Being in law enforcement, you're not the only one, BY FAR, who really sees there are more important punishments to hand out besides marijuana punishment. Have you ever heard of LEAP? Law Enforcement Against Prohibition is an organization whose name is pretty self explanatory. Mostly focused on marijuana laws and punishment, but it's coming from two different perspectives. One part of the group just believes there are more important laws to enforce and crimes and criminals to attend to than somebody carrying 1/4 oz of pot in their pocket. The other half understands the real dangers, or the lack thereof I should say, of marijuana. I'm sure theres a mix of the two scattered about as well. Their website is

There are few things I feel passionate about, this obviously being one of them. I am a supporter of my local NORML chapter ( as well, and definitely recommend this site for more information on why we fight. Most people who oppose it just think we fight so we can legally sit around all day and space out (as ignorant as that sounds, more people than you would assume actually believe this) and have no consideration for the people in physical pain, people who are going through types of medical treatments that cause loss of appetite, people like me, with asthma, all who really aren't too comfortable with putting man made chemicals into our bodies. Several are steroids, are new to the market so there isn't too much info regarding long-term usage affects, and several other legitimate reasons marijuana should be legalized. Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for punishing a full grown man who is trying to sell bags of pot to a playground full of elementary kids. Hell, I'd want the same punishment if he was trying to sell them ibuprofen.

You seem to agree or respect most of the things I've said, so I appreciate you taking the time to read it all, but more importantly I appreciate your open mind and consideration. Too bad the world is short changed on people like you.

Marijuana for Asthma links: (definitely has some good stories) Some people just don't understand what it's like to have an asthma attack. It's not just being short of breath, there is an all around pressure, a pain, and a panic that cannot be explained with words, it's nice to have an option open that offers relief, and settles the mind in knowing you're not inhaling all these different types of chemicals whose name you can't even spell, let alone pronounce.
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Still weed is illegal in the UK (as are nonprescription drugs)
The others arnt
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