Views on Drinking, Smoking, Ect.

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I say that people should be allowed to smoke or drink whatever they want as long as they're old enough to understand the consequences, and they aren't harming anyone else (so I'm not a fan of smoking in public areas).

Me? I don't smoke or do any drugs, and I drink semi-regularly.
I used to drink and smoke. I never did weed or any of that stuff. I have no problem with people who do that stuff. Some of my best friends do that stuff and they're cool as hell. And its not out of controll for them so I dont sit there and preach to them either. I choose not to do it anymore is because it's kind of expected from me because of my family's background and what not. And thats not an expectation I want to really live up to.
oooh some of you need to grow up, not drinking because you have sport comitments? what a load of balls, you just havn't got wasted yet.
I'm in a badminton club, and play very competitivly 3 times a week for 10 or so hours. used to play football for the school, cycle long distances. and go running, yet i still drink (i don't smoke) and i drink in modiration, i know when i have had enough, and it won't do any harm to my body, unless i do something stupid whilst under the influence.
Been offered drugs (I live in Manchester UK so its to be expected)
I always decline
Dont see the point
Most just stink there are better ways to relax and spend your money

Most of my family did at one point
See above for details
I hardly ever drink alcohol mainly because getting drunk has so many disadvantages for me, plus when you get too drunk you really lose control. No, I will have a beer or two every now and then but that is simply to enjoy the taste, like after work for instance. That is when it is the best.

I think smoking cigarettes is pretty lame but I have had many friends who did smoke and I even have a cigar every now and then (same reasons as beer).

As far as Marijuana goes? I fully support it for those who can use it responsibly enough. I smoke when I can or choose to get it, say every 2 months or so for a solid weekend or something. For me it is a break to become more introspective. Yeah, I know it sounds like a cliche' but I have had many philosophical break-throughs and have seen myself and others in a different light.
Music is also a great thing to experience whilst being high. There is a connection I have made with the Alice In Chains Unplugged CD that is astonishingly breath taking, to be honest.

Marijuana gets a lot of negative feedback and a lot of it is that whole stereotype about, "Woah man, check this out, that is so cool, it totally, like, changed my life, man." It is annoying to me because it is hard to explain that it is seriously like that at times for me and I welcome it. One must be open to different perspectives on life, it really helps to balance a guy out, you know?

Lastly, I will say that I never smoke more than my limit which if you were to put it on a chart I would be somewhere between buzzed and high: There are, according to this guy a met, about 8 levels with buzzed being the lowest and Obliterated being the highest. So I really don't make and stupid decisions or anything like that but my motto as far as weed goes: "If the music sounds great and the food tastes good..."

... Plus having sex whilst being high is a great experience and I recommend it fully.
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My views, if others wanna drink/smoke/eat poo, thats really they're choice, and even if I cared I wouldn't have a choice about it, and it doesn't bother me anyway. Personally, I don't really like getting drunk, all 'cause how crap I feel the next day. I've only ever smoked cigars :lol: not regularly. never even tried a cigarrette (sp?) probably 'cause I think they just generally look disgusting :) (no offense to smokers :D) aaaand marajuana, I'll probably try it if its there, only a drag though, but I'm not gonna go out my way to try it, only if its offered on a plate. And agreed, I don't really find girls attractive smoking, but that could just be due to my age (16) things could change... yet they might not :) peace.
n3gative3 said:
Music is also a great thing to experience whilst being high. There is a connection I have made with the Alice In Chains Unplugged CD that is astonishingly breath taking, to be honest.

... Plus having sex whilst being high is a great experience and I recommend it fully.

Only a stoner whould say that
Darkprinny said:
Only a stoner whould say that

Somehow had a feeling you would make that comparison. I don't know if I can really be labeled a stoner because I think you have to smoke a **** load more than I do to even be considered one. Not like I care though, a label is a label.
Eh. I grew up with church morals.

So I don't find any of it too inticing.
Heck, I don't even curse (yes, people like that DO exist.. I think)
Nor say anything vulgar.

But, meh. I think they're better ways to spend money.

But then again, I protest fast food places.
Unhealthy food that you pay too much for :[


Darkprinny said:
Only a stoner whould say that
Everything is better if your stoned. Music, food, video games, sex, but movies maybe not so much. This coming from someone who hasn't smoked this year.
Jorge said:
Everything is better if your stoned. Music, food, video games, sex, but movies maybe not so much. This coming from someone who hasn't smoked this year.

I fail to see the point of takin drugs
Two hours on Tempest 2000 is as close as ill ever come to takein drugs
motherbrainrulez said:
loose canon isnt there a confidentiality agreement where your not aloud to say stuff you see?

but anyway i know a girl whos just had a baby and shes 14

yes this is true, we are not ALLOWED (not aloud) to say stuff we see. it has to be eye witnessed first hand in order to stop something from happening but there are legalities to it. if paintballer for instance talks about being 14 with guns, what am i to do? nothing. if another member talks about lighting up weed i cant say a word.

the only thing i can do if i were to be a cop in your state is to locate authorities and tell them what is going on so they have a "lead" so to speak. thats all i can do.

so if someone lives in NY and does something wrong and i read about it. thats all im doing is reading about it. i can make a phone call yes and have him or her looked into but until a cop sees something first hand, we cant do sh*t unfortunitly

ETA- fistputtingnork? im sorry i spelt your name HORRIBLY wrong but you are very smart i dont know if anyone ever told you that seriously i mean it.

the is 10000% right on the reprocussions on smoking weed. the only thing i disagree with is the gate way drug "myth" although many sources would debate that it is or isnt, i believe it is. ive said it again to be even more repeatative that its one of the lesser of the evil drugs out there but if youre willing to try one thing thats illegal chances are youre willing to do others. but that goes for just about anything else too weither its under age drinking, or smoking ciggs. smoking ciggs can make you wanna try weed so whos to say ciggs arent a gateway "drug" either? go figure that one!

kind of messed up that im a cop and i think this way meanwhile if i were to tell my department id probably be looked at wierd and possibly written up for not taking away pot from kids and looking the other way.

i can lecture as much as i want but will it get them to stop by false propeganda telling them that its TRUELY that bad? no they know. kids arent as stupid as you think sometimes it amazes me. BUT they are ignorant when it comes to stating these facts. they may know it BUT do not have the proper references to say such facts. thats what annoys me.
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Try the UK for under age birth
14 WTF
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