What religion are you?

You can't get much lower than 16 without getting...
the look.

Lew, if 13 was legal... what would you do?

No-one will be looking at me slamming her : /

13?! What the eff do you think I am? 14 and we're talking sense. However, these were my views a couple of years ago so I should probably raise the age now. Eh.

Sorry Kyle.
I'm an outspoken atheist. ( One of the few outspoken atheists at my high school) I refuse to accept the notion of god(s) without definite, tangible evidence.

On a side note to that, I'm planning on making an atheist club at my school. The only problem is I have no idea how to make a club. That's my first obstacle. :D

Being an outspoken anything probably isn't the best.

I find it a bit interesting, and it puts things in perspective. Makes me wonder why so many Muslims, Christians and Jews all hate each other when they have so much in common.

Rukus already said it's the fundamental stuff that really puts them apart. Also, it's not that many that hate eachother, just the extremists.

The amount of Anglophiles on here- you may as well be walking through post-D-Day Normandy in 1944.

Americans won the beach, foo'.

Okay guys, this is way off-topic now. Although admittedly, it's a refreshing change from how these religion threads normally turn out.

You mean locked for off-topicness rather than locked for no reason?

Edit: Mostly Christian, although I'm usually more Christian on forums to make up for the lack of them.
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Rukus already said it's the fundamental stuff that really puts them apart. Also, it's not that many that hate eachother, just the extremists.
I didn't mean "many" as in "the majority", just a noticeable minority. Fortunately, most people are capable of getting along.
No religion. Not even atheism.

I have my own personal set of beliefs, but I don't like to think of them as religion.


I'm an Atheist.

I'm not an outspoken one, unless asked for my opinion, (or someone superimposes their opinion on me without having asked for it.)

Although, I do believe this topic would be better served as a poll if you only want a one word answer without much discussion. As opposed to asking say "Why or How did you come to your current set of beliefs, or Were you raised the same religion your currently practice or did you convert yourself somewhere along your path?"

I personally was born and raised Roman Catholic. Went to church every Sunday, went to Catholic school up to the end of high school. I was a part of my parish's youth ministry.

My first intellectual exposure to other religions came during grade 12's World Religions class. It makes me simply realize that all people around the world made up stories for things and occurrences they could not or did not understand at the time. As science progresses, it forces challenges upon people's beliefs. Even that of scientists. However, they base their opinions on empirical evidence, not faith. When religious people have their faith challenged, their religion tends to call on them to strengthen their resolve and their faith, rejecting the discoveries of science.
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(... hmm .. can't seem to fit all the txt in one reply ...)

When I want away to University for the first year, (at 17) I decided to investigate these "non-theistic" religions. I went to some Buddhist temples and began meditating.

I eventually came round to 420 again and accepted it with open arms ;) and now I feel like I'm the best Me I can be and I try to improve upon it daily, learning from my mistakes and building relationships with others to learn more and share my experiences with those who want to hear.

To this day I believe we are our sole Gods, capable of more control than we can fathom due to being so interlinked in society through our relationships. And with that comes the responsibility to owning up to your own mistakes and having absolute faith in yourself.

"Non-Theist" or Atheist
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So how's society going to get any better if one doesn't stop because the other one hasn't?

I don't understand why we need to keep our beliefs to ourselves. I'm not saying that Christians who express their beliefs are necessarily bad, but they have the right to do so. I have my right to do so. If we could just accept each other's beliefs and didn't treat this like something bad to talk about ( like a lot of things in the United States ), we wouldn't have this problem. It's nonsense. Besides, if one minority shuts up and lets the majority do all of the talking, nothing would ever get done that was beneficial to that minority.
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Alot of atheist here not that i have a problem with that. I think everyone has the right to their own beliefs. I believe the world would be a much better place if we put beliefs and religion aside. On a side note any agnostic's here? just wondering because i'd like to learn a little about agnosticicism.
I am christian. Although, I'm not sure I believe it. My friend says "If you can believe in god, you can believe in superman." Which is a good reference.

I just don't know, so I just go with my parents.