Why did You get a wii?

i got a wii becuz i luv their charactors mario link samus etc. nd it wuz between a 360 nd a wii for me and i knew in the long run i'd have more fun on teh wii so i chose the wii nd i dont regret it
I always have a lot of people at my house, all ages, and Xbox isn't that good of a local multiplayer game, Xbox Live is amazing, but other than that... Not to mention, my Xbox has broken twice now, and I can rely on Nintendo.
it's the most fun i've ever had in front of a television screan... porn included. :lol:

well i didn't know much about the wii at all lol, i didn't even know it had motion controls or the name until 4 days before the launch date....i saw a trailer for ssb though(summer 2006), and was planning on getting the next nintendo console just for the game

but than once i saw previews for the wii(super mario galaxy, loz: tp, wii sports, metroid prime 3, warioware) i was astonished by it.....i had to get it

so i butted the line at futureshop and got one at launch lol

(plus excluding the virtual boy, i have every nintendo system, it would seem like i broke the pattern if i didn't get one)
I asked for the Wii for Christmas because I wanted to self inflict myself with carpal tunnel in my shoulder from bowling non-stop.
My girlfriend got me one. I'd prefer PS3, but as Mick Jagger once famously sung, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need!"
i bought it becuase i am a gadget electronics freak, i have to have the "IT" thing of the moment, its costing me a fricking foutune but the wii is difentaly my best buy (along with my iPhone). IT RAWKS
Bought it because:

1. Been playing Nintendo since the original NES was released in early 80's. Also owned the SNES and the N64.

2. Wanted something different than my 360. PS3 and 360 share too many games and the exclusives on the PS3 aren't much to brag about.
I bought it because well... first off.. I thought the Wii was pretty stupid. But, I started searching about the Wii, etc.. I found this site. Thought it was pretty sick. So, yeah.. This is why I bought the Wii. You guys made me bought it. :D