Wii in danger of repeating the Gamecube?

Another example of PS3 behind Wii in software sales.

"Guitar Hero III" sold 383,000 on the Xbox 360, 286,000 for the Nintendo's Wii, and 271,000 on the PlayStation2 (with another 232,000 sold on the PS2 for those opting for the version that didn't include the guitar controller). The PlayStation3 version only sold about 120,000.

383,000 - Xbox 360
286,000 - Wii
120,000 - PS3

I know the PS2 sold more than the Wii total, but, it's last generation console.
T3kNi9e said:
No... PS3 is 3rd in HARDWARE sales. Would you like me to cite my info? I can provide links, I just have to go find them. Also, how do I know the avg player of 360 own so many? Well, if you go to xbox forums you can click there gamertag and it shows all the games and its usually ALOT. I only have 11 xbox games, because ive only had it for like 3 months, and im the minority in that. People have ALOT more than me.

No, PS3 is 3rd in hardware and software. I'm sorry but Internet forum users are hardly representative of the average console users. If we're going to use gaming forums: IGN, there was a poll in the Wii board asking how many Wii games people owned and the majority (out of 120 votes) voted 6 and above. Another poll was made on PS3 board asking how many PS3 games they own and the majority (about 100) voted 5 or lower. These polls were done merely a month ago and I was surprised to see the results. Of course, it wasn't representative of anything.
PS2 stil makes games. Also it is stated that PS2 will release 160 more titles in the 2008 year. So it still puts PS2 in the running. Wii and PS2 use basically the same hardware, so why shouldnt it be part of the race? Like I was saying... Wii is 3rd... Guitar Hero 3 is 3rd in wii because the Online capabilties are lowered. In Wii all they have is a leaderboard, while in PS2 and Live they are able to actually play together. Also, GH3 company (forgot the name) doesnt really care for Wii which is why Rock Band will not be released on Wii.
After I read through most of this thread I decided to add my two cents. I have both a Wii and an XBOX 360. I purchased them for distinctly different reasons. My Wii was purchased as a more family friendly video game system and my 360 is a high-performance hard-core game platform.
Generally speaking both of my systems have lived up to my expectations. The simple fact that the Wii has a web browser makes it extremely handy in my mind. Many of the games I have played on the Wii are fun, engaging and look good. I admit if I want great graphics I go to the 360 but in general the Wii looks fine to me.
The one area I think that Nintendo should expand with regard to the Wii is the online capabilities. Nintendo wasn't as successful with the Gamecube due to the simple fact that it couldn't connect to the internet. XBOX, PS2 and even the ill-fated Sega Dreamcast could all connect to the internet but Nintendo's system could not. The Wii has changed this but right now there isn't a real meaningful way to play games with friends and relatives online. Why can't I play Wii Sports with my family across the country? Give me a headset and let me challenge my friends to a game of WarioWare.
I know that Nintendo wants to bring people together in the living room to play but in today's connected world they really need to give people the option to play both locally and via the internet. I know that if Nintendo could do this that the Wii has the potential to continue it's tremendous momentum.

Oh and I would like to see Gauntlet Legends from the N64 in the VC.
RedProdigy said:
No, PS3 is 3rd in hardware and software. I'm sorry but Internet forum users are hardly representative of the average console users. If we're going to use gaming forums: IGN, there was a poll in the Wii board asking how many Wii games people owned and the majority (out of 120 votes) voted 6 and above. Another poll was made on PS3 board asking how many PS3 games they own and the majority (about 100) voted 5 or lower. These polls were done merely a month ago and I was surprised to see the results. Of course, it wasn't representative of anything.

So You're basing things from a 100 votes...? On a BOARD. and BOARD = FORUMS. You just said its hardly representative. You cant be contradicting yourself. Also, once again Im not talking about Xbox 360/PS3/Wii. Im talking about all the consoles that are selling games. Original Xbox no longer sells games. Nor does Gamecube. But Playstation still does, and is selling more than Wii.

1. 360
2. PS2
3. Wii
4. PS3

I wasnt even counting DS and PSP, but that would make PS3 last. So still, that makes Wii 3rd, thank you...
T3kNi9e said:
Wii and PS2 use basically the same hardware,.

thats false..even the gamecube was stronger then the ps2 and there is proof 1 sec
T3kNi9e said:

Some people need to open there eyes and stop letting Nintendo brain wash them.

Anyway, for the other guy, I know your gonna ask me to provide link, so I took the liberty of finding the interview again.


So look at that, Nintendo's fix for the problem is to give free games when you buy Nintendo Wii. They dont even care too much as long as hardware sales negate the software sales.

What are you talking about? Nintendo is right about the attach rate; the Wii has been selling so fast that it's been deflating the attach rate. Having an attach rate of almost 4 EXCLUDING Wii Sports when the Wii is selling 500k+ per month in the US alone is pretty damn good; especially when you have idiots running around saying "People are only buying Wiis for Wii Sports and Wii Play".

Nintendo's "solution" to the "problem" is to release more games. Really there isn't a problem and GI was talking out of its ass.

EDIT: You were including the PS2? That would be something I would have liked to know beforehand. I was only concerning myself with the current gen consoles.
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Well, if we are going to count everything.

Nintendo Steals Lead for Software Sales
Gamasutra reports that analyst group iSuppli has determined that Nintendo has now stolen the title of top software sales leader in the console market from Sony after these third-quarter results. The report claims that the DS and Wii software tallied up to $1.2 billion in the third quarter, which is up from $943.6 million in the second quarter. Compared to last year's third quarter -- just before the Wii launched -- it's more than double the revenue.

Then Nintendo is #1 in console software sales over Sony and Microsoft.
hey t3k go to page 5 on this thread and there is a link that will take to showing u how the gamecube is stronger then the ps2 so it is def not equal to the wii.
Red: Thats saying most of there software sales are coming from games being attached. You basically dont have a choice. And your probably right, I could have mentioned I was speaking of PS2 also.

Logan: Thats sales from both DS and Wii both together. Also it was during the time Wii was selling at its peak.

Bliss: Thats going by hardware specs. Thats just like when PS3 claimes to be stronger than Xbox. By hard specs its true, but when it comes to comparing the games, it becomes obvious xbox runs alot better with the same graphics. If Wii hardware was actually good, then you would atleast see games look as good as God of War.


There isnt a single Gamecube game out there that has did that, or even Wii for that matter. This is just like PS3 saying its better, but so far xbox older system vs ps3 newer system, they look the same. Doing is believing and Wii or Gamecube has yet to do that. Zelda/SMG/MP3 are Wii's best looking game, yet not even close to God of War (No. 1) caliber.
gamecube never got the chance to make games like God of War...granted i know for a fact the wii is the weakest of the 3 but the ps2 isnt equal to the wii, there is no way in hell...and i thought goin by hardware specs is wat makes the machine? no? i mean the hardware that in the machine is wat pumps out the graphics.
T3kNi9e said:
Logan: Thats sales from both DS and Wii both together. Also it was during the time Wii was selling at its peak.

When is the Wii not selling at it's peak?

The software numbers are also for the PSP, PS2, and the PS3.
So, 3 systems from Sony vs 2 systems from Nintendo.

Your argument at the start just stated that Wii was number 3 in software. Because you didn't specify that you were including the PS2 in those numbers, poster called BS on your post. By the numbers and only include the current consoles, the PS3 is in a distant 3rd for software and hardware sales. By this February there will be twice as many Wii's selling per quarter than both the 360 and PS3. The software sales will reflect the greater number of consoles.
Of course the PS2 is still selling games. For many people, that is still their main gaming console. The PS2 was that good, my brother-in-law lives with me, and he consistently plays his PS2 more than his 360.

Also, last time I checked, there are still something like 200 million PS2's out there (someone correct me with the correct number of consoles). And that is still a huge reason software is still being released for that system. If Wii continues to sell like this for another year, you better bet there will be tons of games available (mostly crappy), but the only thing game publishers want to see is $$$.
Hardware specs isnt always what makes the machine. That would be more obvious :p Playstation 3 makes that very evident. Boasting a very high spec machine that does the same thing xbox 360, xbox 360 has been said to be better by game developers. Some game developers (like Valve) even say PS3 is a waste of time. So just because you have the specs, doesnt make it better.

And I know gamecube wasnt able to make a game like God of War, neithe did the original Xbox, but they had games like Half-Life and halo 2 that looked great. Gamecube had Zelda at the end of its cycle and it doesnt compare to God of War. Remember, it doesnt have to be a Action Adventure for graphics to be good. Look at Madden 08 on Wii, look at Madden 08 on PS2, looks the same. Anyway, so far Wii hasnt put out a game that PS2 can't do. BUT, PS2 has put out a game that Wii hasnt been able to do with GoW.
The only reason none of these "good games" were never released on the gamecube is because publishers couldn't justify the cost to port the game over. No publisher is stupid enough to develop a game for the gamecube, some games would almost require 100% of gamecube owners to buy the game to make a profit.