Wii should get "surprised" tomorrow

GC8 said:
Surprise: to strike with wonder or amazement especially because unexpected <his conduct surprised me>

LOL he did ask wat is "surprise"...lol
airguardim said:
I'm sorry. I don't have Wii yet, but as soon as I get back to America I'm going to. What is "Surprised"??? Please explain. Thanks.

oh the days of not expecting surprises , a much simpler time
you dont know how lucky you are !
what suprise are u guys talking about?

peeps wot suprise?
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el-zilcho said:
I think not as Reggie referred to the surprise when quizzed on wiiconnect24 (i think) grrrrrrrrr i hate having to wait , i think we should get a "ask Reggie" feature for the wii (like ask jeeves) where u have a mii of him on your menu and it acts as a direct link to nintendo enabling us to badger them for information constantly !!

Yes, Yes I like that Idea Can we get a pettion going for a "Aks Reggie"

Game on