1v1 brawl league

That was 10:00pm GMT.

So if you're in the GMT -6:00 timezone, then that would be 4:00pm for you - which is pretty close to when you posted. I figure that posting times in GMT will help with scheduling. :)

Unfortunately it's kind of late now, and I probably won't be able to do anything else until Friday.
Real-o i might need your Brawlcode, too, your name isn't coming up when i try to send the replays

My Brawl FC is 2105-8307-2555. In the future, please refer to the member list in this post before posting to ask for an FC. :)

Ok thank you and sorry

EDIT: my FC is on my Sig if you need it

EDIT 2: Ok sent
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I hope alot of you guys are ready to brawl tonight, my bro's coming into town, and i really want him to brawl you pros <)
srry im not on all the time but im switching between brawl, guitar hero, fire emblem radiant and mario kart.im gonna go on now if anyone wants to challenge me
sounds good to me. im good if its before 5:00, i think thats 6:00 in ur timezone