Expected launch day/week sales


Jun 18, 2006
Houston, Tx
Wii Online Code
I am wondering what all of your opinions or expectations are when it comes to the sales of the Wii on launch day/week. I predict that after the first week, the sales of the Wii are going to gradually climb...high! People will talk and hear about how fun this console is to play from other gamers who have tried it and the word will spread like wild-fire. On release, I dont think that nearly as many people are going to line up for the Wii as for the PS3. Though there are some things that can sway that. Unless Nintendo gets a lot more publicity and emphasise the price and features of the Wii compared to the PS3. Also how the Wii games are designed to be fun and playable for people of all age groups and financial positions, and not just hard core gamers that can drop $600 - $700 for a system + 1 game + tax. I just think the only way for the Wii to have a very successful launch is for them to get some more official news out so that they can publicise it A LOT more! At the end though, I do believe that the Wii will come out on top because over time people will realise how rediculous the PS3's price is and how FUN THIS THING WILL BE!
Hmm I predict that the Wii will hit retailers probably in late October or early November. I think the sales for the Wii will be extrodinary, as many people will be very curious on what it is like playing it. Many people I think will criticize the PS3's price, and many parents will not buy their child a PS3 because of it's ridiculous price, and instead get a 250$ or below Nintendo Wii.
in my country the first month everyone will say PS3, PS3, PS3 but a month later, Wii Wii Wii Wii, they will love it!
Homicidal_Gamer said:
Hmm I predict that the Wii will hit retailers probably in late October or early November. I think the sales for the Wii will be extrodinary, as many people will be very curious on what it is like playing it. Many people I think will criticize the PS3's price, and many parents will not buy their child a PS3 because of it's ridiculous price, and instead get a 250$ or below Nintendo Wii.
i find that wishfull thinking ... alot of people are very unsure about the wii and will have to try it first so many of them will be gravitating towards the ps3 and 360 ... i agree with the parents coment somewhat but the fact of the matter is alot of parents these days dont know how to say no to there kids which is very unfortunate (my parents say no all the time which i thank them for ) because if your parents never say no you end up being a spoiled brat and getting everything you want without working for it therefore you treat it like its replacible ... ok i got off topic there lol.. i think the wii will have a slow start but it will continue to gain momentem untill the end when it will come out on top .. but i expect a slow start for the wii ... but after christmas things will pick up
yeah the wii will have probaly have a slow start..its a type of system you have to try out before you buy..like their motto says playing=believing. The people that already treid it out say that is an amazing and fun console so the wii will definitely the wiiner (pun intended)
I think the Wii will sell huge, 1. parents will buy it for either A. nintendo is what they grew up with, would love to play the old games from virtual console, B. the price, C. nintendo is known for quality good games, not just filth like GTA, 2. Motion games are so much more fun if any kids play they will want it, and 3. everyone else will be trading in thier 360 and ps3 to get wii and more fun fun games so noone wants to be left out.
Homicidal_Gamer said:
What do you mean by that? :confused:
Look here veryone will love the PS3 and then they will just keep thinking wii is the bst option and thats it
The price of the PS3 is certainly going to help. With the two consoles launching within weeks of each other, and the PS3 costing about as much as a small country, it could drive a few people (particularly parents) to get a Wii instead. I think the Wii could achieve very respectable sales within the first few months, as long as Nintendo don't screw up their advertising again.
Really the X-Box 360 should've waited like maybe 3 or 4 months cause they might've jumped there guns a bit to early and now they might just be killed in the crossire between the Nintendo and Sony
deity_link said:
Really the X-Box 360 should've waited like maybe 3 or 4 months cause they might've jumped there guns a bit to early and now they might just be killed in the crossire between the Nintendo and Sony

I think Microsoft will be alright. Remember the 360 is cheaper than the PS3 and by xmas they'll have a year's worth of games to get people to buy the console. In fact, if they play their cards right and secure enough good games, they could just beat Sony.
Yeh but the again people generally prefer the 'New' thing yes its like 4 or 5 months old but the PS3 or wii are newer
deity_link said:
Yeh but the again people generally prefer the 'New' thing yes its like 4 or 5 months old but the PS3 or wii are newer

What about PS2? That came out long before Gamecube and Xbox and outsold them both. It takes more than just being new, you've got to have the games worth playing.
Yeh but uhhh... yeh that is a fair point I'll let that one go

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