Final Smashes unbalanced?

pro gamer said:
I don't like the final smashes that envolve aiming. Other people I play don't have to sometimes.
yeah thats why I like pit's to
Although I
JKill09 said:
Nah. It's so simple to avoid the big slow moving white stars. I use fast characters so I maybe get hit once for 12-15% damage, the others I easily dodge.

i use marth so i could dodge it too but it looks cool on a small stage like yoshi
Prince726 said:
i use marth so i could dodge it too but it looks cool on a small stage like yoshi

Yea it looks cool but that's about as far as it goes. :lol:
The Storm said:
i agree with Atomheart.
the final smashes are completely unbalanced.
the power of the smash also does not depend on the strength/speed of the character.
for example: King Deededee is right around the strongest character in the game, yet his finisher is right around the crappiest of all.
comparing him to...say...olimar, who if you dont move your cheeks quickly will demolish you with his instant K.O final smash.
another example of how they are unbalanced is in the accuracy needed for their use.
i again, refer to olimar. no accuracy required at all, and yet he has one of the strongest smashes.
i compare this to...say...Zelda/Sheik (one of my favorite characters)
their final smash takes a great deal of accuration before launch, and yet is not always a guaranteed K.O.
again, i agree with Atomheart.
the final smashes are way out of balance.
I'm not sure if you were trying to be sarcastic.. but it seems your post actually supports how the final smashes are balanced. If King Dedede is one of the strongest characters, it would make sense that his Final Smash be weak in order to balance his strength. Likewise, it would make sense for Olimar's Final Smash to be strong if his character is rather weak.

Then you have Zelda/Sheik who's a pretty good characters (and it doesn't surprise me that she's your favorite). Wouldn't it make sense that her Final Smash require some aim and some difficulty in order to balance out the character's strengths?
^Olimar is really strong actually lol. Try him out through classic
naisatoh said:
I'm not sure if you were trying to be sarcastic.. but it seems your post actually supports how the final smashes are balanced. If King Dedede is one of the strongest characters, it would make sense that his Final Smash be weak in order to balance his strength. Likewise, it would make sense for Olimar's Final Smash to be strong if his character is rather weak.

Then you have Zelda/Sheik who's a pretty good characters (and it doesn't surprise me that she's your favorite). Wouldn't it make sense that her Final Smash require some aim and some difficulty in order to balance out the character's strengths?

i see what you mean.
what i was saying with deededee vs olimar is i was comparing how the strength of the character doesnt really determine the strength of the smash.
eg: ganondorf FS pones instantly; deededee's FS does not kill crud, except by luck. these are two of the strongest characters yet their smashes are on opposite poles.
i guess some balance out and some dont.
i just referred to zelda b/c you would think that b/c its so hard to aim it would be an instaKO but its not.
Major Tom said:
Ganondorf is so slow its sad. SO of course his smash would be good.

but no character has to be FAST to be GOOD.
you play each character differently according to their unique strengths and weaknesses.
eg: you would NOT rush in and aimlessly swing at your opponent with ganondorf as you would with sonic. it just wont end pretty.:cool:
I have a hard time agreeing or disagreeing with either side because I can see their points. On the one hand some FS do seem really easy to use/overpowered, while others are really hard to use, on the other hand all of the FS can be avoided, dodged, what-have-you. And there's nothing worse than feeling like you have one of the best FS in the game only to have everyone dodge it.

Oh, and Pit, Kirby, Dedede, and I think even snake can all avoid Olimar's FS by flying while the space-ship is up and landing on the far sides of the stage. I hate it when that happens.

Also, my brother can always kill me with Snake's FS, no matter how I dodge. >.<

I get him back with the Ganon Beast though. :p I love that one.
i like snake fs because you dont have be right on the person and you still will hit them also u get 12 shots
Druidan said:
I have a hard time agreeing or disagreeing with either side because I can see their points. On the one hand some FS do seem really easy to use/overpowered, while others are really hard to use, on the other hand all of the FS can be avoided, dodged, what-have-you. And there's nothing worse than feeling like you have one of the best FS in the game only to have everyone dodge it.

Oh, and Pit, Kirby, Dedede, and I think even snake can all avoid Olimar's FS by flying while the space-ship is up and landing on the far sides of the stage. I hate it when that happens.

Also, my brother can always kill me with Snake's FS, no matter how I dodge. >.<

I get him back with the Ganon Beast though. :p I love that one.

of course he gets you, Ganon is slow as Christmas! :lol:
If your character has no superguard moves against Marth's Critical Hit move, good luck trying to survive :lol:

But seriously, there's a youtube video demonstrating that Marth's FS (and other people's) does not make people with superguard moves fly away. I sense a tactic...
TortillaChip520 said:
of course he gets you, Ganon is slow as Christmas! :lol:

LOL, very true! but he also got me while I was playing Sonic :scared: He's a good shot with great timing.

cheap little *&@#$%#
Druidan said:
LOL, very true! but he also got me while I was playing Sonic :scared: He's a good shot with great timing.

cheap little *&@#$%#


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