My school is going to have a walk out

Just noticed something about you, Levesque. You're a wrestler, but calm-tempered. Most wrestlers I've seen or heard are extremely hot-headed. I bet you have a strong mental game in your matches, that's a strong asset. I know, I play tennis. :)'d this topic get off on sports? *nervously laughs*...
I am a professional wrestler.

Trust me, I have my moments :lol: :scared: :wink: And if you're talking about having a strong mental game with the fans and/or camera, then yes, you are correct.

The man in the ring with me is my teammate, not my opponent :wink:
I'd argue, they bat for the OTHER team :ihih:

Two of my cousins wrestled in High school. Both schools taught a move that uses the arse-hole as a handle.
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Well if nothing is going to happen about the bulling the school walk out is going to happen. and if it does i will get some pics of it. Most of my older frends like older babby siters. Long a time agoe. did have school walk out and at the same school but about other things. and there are like smart and they have degrees and that bull shize so ya i want to do this
Maybe staying in school would be the better thing?


Add some commas, and the word is "bullying".
Now don't go making assumptions, Brawny. Tisk, tisk.

For all we know the kid could be talking about bulls rampaging through his school.
i remember my high school had a teacher walk-out because they didnt get paid enough.......and the entire mexican student body of my school had a walk-out because the high school exit exam (a test required you to take to graduate from high school) was not translated for the non english speaking students
Jake you must realize that unless you have around 50-100 students supporting you a walkout wont accomplish much. To me it seems that your proposal of a lockout is unorganized and that you don't have an idea as to how many people will support you.
wario i see thats something to walkout for. its student vs school. your situation is student vs bullies and your blaming the school, which may be at fault but walking out does not specifically address the bullies. i dont experience probs but i dont think bullies would be affected enough if u walked out.

if you still feel this way than i suggest a sit-in instead. it requires less people and renders the use of the room you choose, like the school office
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Lift weights and fight back? or travel in groups?

A walkout will not work.

Dang I love private school.
wario2ooo said:
i remember my high school had a teacher walk-out because they didnt get paid enough.......and the entire mexican student body of my school had a walk-out because the high school exit exam (a test required you to take to graduate from high school) was not translated for the non english speaking students

Teachers are weasels who deserve nothing and in some countries English is mandatory, depends on where you are. I still see the mexicansreasoning though. Esp. in the states. Were Republicans running your school.
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trisyyy said:
whats a school walk out, and how can it get u in trouble?

A school walk out is where students walk out of class during a certain time of day and protest peacefully outside the school. However, in some cases many students just go home. If the walkout has been poorly planned with not many students supporting you the principal would most likely have a talk with you considering that you would be skipping class.