Need advice talking to a girl.

Marioman said:
That would have been really helpful about a month ago LOL!
hehehe... Well my advice has been universal, it will work now or later, it is all the same. Good luck though, seems the hardest part to finding a feminine mate for a male is the initial "asking her out", and we seem to complicate the process by thinking about it to death. :)

It doesn't get any easier for most at least, my dad is 52 and now back on the dating scene after the collapse of a 20 year marriage, so he's basically starting fresh and STILL has troubles asking ladies out. Whatever you do try not to think about it too much in depth, and most importantly don't take turn downs so harshly either. It seems those males who are actively looking for a mate and get turned down less than 20 times are doing good. I've heard somewhere 20 is (was) average, however this number is probably less when you have the luxury of being forced to the same location time and time again (like work or school) which makes building up to that point a little easier.

(Granted dating your co-workers is not recommended.)

The odds work in your favor when you discover there is a common interest or good reason to spark a conversation, like the obvious Kirby drawing on her folder. ;)
MySims said:
dude, invite her over to play wii. Let her win. She'l be all over you. :ihih: Literaly. Lol jk.

But seriously let her win. Girls love it when they see boys lose.

plus ure lucky, all the hot girls at my school hate Videogames. Thats why i feel like spiderman, Mr. Smooth at school, Total nerd at house. ROFL

Hahah, I don't like it when I win. o_O It makes the guy I play with, a wimp xD!
I always tell them to 'not go easy' on me. Pft..
WiiWouldLike2Play said:

Hahah, I don't like it when I win. o_O It makes the guy I play with, a wimp xD!
I always tell them to 'not go easy' on me. Pft..

Remind me not to play you steppy^^

Me no wimp;)

Have you asked her to the dance yet?
SSBBFan101 said:
the next dance is october 26th. okay. i might at that time then. idk.
btw, its a halloween dance lol!
If Its A Halloween Dance Then Tell Her What Ur Goin As And Ask Her To Tell U What Shes Goin As And Then Meet Her Sumwer At The Dance. Or U Can Pick Her Up At Her House So U Know What Shes Dressin Up As!:lol:
heres some help thats guarenteed to help.

DONT BE SCARED TO TALK TO HER. even if it isnt about asking her to go to the dance. if you guys are in a class together and sit near each other. just talk to her about something. once you get comfurtable talking to her. you'll be less likely to mess up when you say you wanna go to bla bla ba.
SSBBFan101 said:
ok there is this girl at school, and i really like her, and my friend said she likes me, but im still not sure. so what do i do? what do i say? i really wanna go out with her but i dont know how to say it or do anything!
so can u please help?


Hiya. I think that you really should tell her. If you have been told that she likes you go 4 it b4 ur 2 late .
SSBBFan101 said:
ok there is this girl at school, and i really like her, and my friend said she likes me, but im still not sure. so what do i do? what do i say? i really wanna go out with her but i dont know how to say it or do anything!
so can u please help?

It's best to tell her how you feel first, when you do that it makes it easier to flirt with girls, just let her know how you feel and get her phone number, call her and do what you do. That's about it, good luck.
guys! school was great! man, where should i start? we were having lunch at school and we were talking. eventually i ask her "why do u have kirby on ur binder?" (which she does) and she said " cause i love the videogames and i love the show" she said. so i tell her i have a wii and then she screams outOMG I LOVE THE WII! IT IS SOOOOO FUN!!! so now i know she likes videogames and im thinking to myself YESSSSS! SHE LIKES VIDEOGAMES!
and then we are talking all day through our classes, laughing, and having a great time.
she says shes entering in our school talent show and shes singing in it. im going to see her sing! she says she likes every kind of music.
so yea i think shes gonna be mine. c'mon! she likes videogames! she has to be mine! i just know it!
thanks for all ur help guys!

is she asian
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MySims said:
dude, invite her over to play wii. Let her win. She'l be all over you. :ihih: Literaly. Lol jk.

But seriously let her win. Girls love it when they see boys lose.

plus ure lucky, all the hot girls at my school hate Videogames. Thats why i feel like spiderman, Mr. Smooth at school, Total nerd at house. ROFL

I took a sick one on my mum when I was little for letting me win, best ignorant challenge of my childhood. It's satisfactory when you win properly, not like "Whoops, I crashed into a wall and am slowing down considerraaablllyyyyy..."
be confident. just dress your best, look in the mirror, and say hey, i am the man! and then go and just talk to her about whatever. if you talk about normal stuff then eventually youll get the hang of being smooth. confidence is key:)
samXcor3 said:
be confident. just dress your best, look in the mirror, and say hey, i am the man! and then go and just talk to her about whatever. if you talk about normal stuff then eventually youll get the hang of being smooth. confidence is key:)

Please God, tell me you weren't serious about talking to a mirror.
Here's my advice. Don't ask for advice from the internet - cause some jerk like me is gonna come along and view this as an excuse to make funnies...

Lucky for you that I'm not in the mood to do that today - involves too much thought for a monday.

If you are asking for advice about talking to girls, then you are "not ready" to be talking to girls. i.e. Most likely you will look like a bumbling fool. I mean for f*cks sake can you imagine trying to keep ALL the advice above in your head whilst trying to talk to a girl. And I'm guessing you are gonna be nervous too. So nervous + too much advice = you look like a chump.

I'll give you my patented 3 ste/choice program that I've just developed for this situation. Basically pick one of these things and stick to it..!
Also don't ask dorks on the internet what to "talk about" - just be yourself. Anyway 3 steps are:

1) - Just talk to girls.
2) - Don't talk to girls.
3) - Become gay and talk to guys instead.

Hope I've been some help to you :thumbsup: