A Previous Member
hey, I need some advice, specifically from girls, or maybe guys if they've been in this situation. A while back, I realized that I was in love with a girl. Everyday I'd see her, she'd smile at me and I'd smile back. After months of refusing to, being afraid and nervous, I actually told her how I felt. Now she at first thought that I was joking, but then I told that I wasn't. She went silent, and walked away when a friend of hers walked by. I was panicked, I thought how stupid I was. The holidays came, and then ended. I saw her again, I felt different, obviously. Anyways, time went by and we'd exchange glances in the crowd, and usually pop a oneliner in like "hi" or "hey", y'know? Anyways, she's also dating one of my best friends, and he doesn't even know, nobody knows! Whenever I try to talk with her, my friend is always with her, so I can never get a moment alone with her! I just want some advice, please.