Question for the girls...


A Previous Member
Feb 3, 2007
Amherstburg, Ont. Canada
Wii Online Code
hey, I need some advice, specifically from girls, or maybe guys if they've been in this situation. A while back, I realized that I was in love with a girl. Everyday I'd see her, she'd smile at me and I'd smile back. After months of refusing to, being afraid and nervous, I actually told her how I felt. Now she at first thought that I was joking, but then I told that I wasn't. She went silent, and walked away when a friend of hers walked by. I was panicked, I thought how stupid I was. The holidays came, and then ended. I saw her again, I felt different, obviously. Anyways, time went by and we'd exchange glances in the crowd, and usually pop a oneliner in like "hi" or "hey", y'know? Anyways, she's also dating one of my best friends, and he doesn't even know, nobody knows! Whenever I try to talk with her, my friend is always with her, so I can never get a moment alone with her! I just want some advice, please.:(
If you still have feelings for her then I think you should let her know, seems like you do or you wouldn't be posting so.. just try your best to catch her when she's on her own. But is this girl worth losing your friend over?

We need Marissa in here :p
wiiwillstand said:
hey, I need some advice, specifically from girls, or maybe guys if they've been in this situation. A while back, I realized that I was in love with a girl. Everyday I'd see her, she'd smile at me and I'd smile back. After months of refusing to, being afraid and nervous, I actually told her how I felt. Now she at first thought that I was joking, but then I told that I wasn't. She went silent, and walked away when a friend of hers walked by. I was panicked, I thought how stupid I was. The holidays came, and then ended. I saw her again, I felt different, obviously. Anyways, time went by and we'd exchange glances in the crowd, and usually pop a oneliner in like "hi" or "hey", y'know? Anyways, she's also dating one of my best friends, and he doesn't even know, nobody knows! Whenever I try to talk with her, my friend is always with her, so I can never get a moment alone with her! I just want some advice, please.:(

ah to be younge and "in love" again :sigh:

from the jist of the story, sounds like a case of puppy love. you obviously see her on a daily basis like youve said so im assuming you guys go to school together. now school may be big but somehow when something happens, it makes the news. suprisingly youre little "i love you" walk away story was something that wasnt leaked out to the public which youre lucky about.

now were you guys friends when you met or aquaintences? did you talk to her? have classes together? hang out with the same groups? sometimes clashes (IE different set of friends, lunch periods, anything that can stop you from wanting to go out during school hours) can cause her to walk away "OMG LIKE WHAT WILL MY GIRL FRIENDS THINK OMG?!?!" sometimes its not even about who you like its about how good you look together. ive been around enough children to know by now (god help me for when i have kids im about that age now but ill stick with my puppy for now!!! :mad2: )

in any event, there are other girls out there i knwo there are! you seem like an OK kid just by reading the post here. if the girl has nothing to say right then and there she too is scared. give her time. and if the friend is there, be like "dude can i talk to her for a sec alone?" guys dont get as catty as girls do so i assure you hell walk away and let you talk with her. im sure hell ask her what you guys spoke about but thats of none of his concern.

but dont get mad at your best friend there. if he doesnt know about what happend, leave him out of it. its between you and this girl. but like i said, if you talk to her alone and she still doesnt get the hint that you really like her after telling her a second time? shes an airhead leave her and get a new one
First off, how old are you?
Secondly, my advice would be to forget about her; at least for the time being. If, in time, she finds she feels the same way that's great, but don't stand around waiting for her. I've made that mistake before, under slightly different circumstances, but it sucks anyway you slice it.
In my case I just gave up; metaphorically. I stopped going around looking for someone to be with and I found, or was given, rather, someone so much better than anyone I would have picked for myself.
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i appreciate your help. I'm really not sure if it's worth losing my friend, but I just don't know when. I usually go to my locker after school (obviously) and lately she's been standing at the intersection of hallways right by my locker waiting for someone, and that's never happened before, or maybe I've never noticed. I try to tell her, I feel the need to say something, but I know if I move in while my friend is still there, then he'll definitley know! I keep telling myself that I've been through the worst "I told her" but I still get too nervous. How can I go back to her and confront her after what I did? I told her at the worst time possible, I told her when my friend was gone to florida. I think that's pretty bad for me, cause the fac that I'm doing it behnd his back is wrong, but I can't tell him. You wouldn't believe what he did to himself when she broke up with him, twice! And it's because of that that they're still dating! Now I'm wondering if it's a pity date, or actual love? I'm all over he place, I still need a ton of help, sorry everybody if i'm wasting your time.
I'll ask again, and this is a lot more important that you realize;
How old are you?
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sit back for a while, I told her 2 days before Christmas! And nothing has happened since! We've nearly reached the two month mark for god's sake! I don't know what she even thinks of me anymore! (sorry if I went a bit over the top, sorry) It's jsut that I think of her everyday, I see her everyday, I think everyday when I wake up, "today is the day when everything is resolved" but it never happens. I've never been lucky when it comes to love, I've never even told my interests how I feel, but her, she makes me want to say it willingly. That's why I can't give up!
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forget her...forget her...she's not that hottie that you can just throw away y'know? She's the kind of girl that can make you feel better no matter what. She makes you smile no matter what the cause. She looks at you and you feel the butterflies flutter in panick. Her beauty is unlike any other. Her voice, her smile, can never be replaced my friend. I will not and, and will never, forget her...
wiiwillstand said:
hey, I need some advice, specifically from girls, or maybe guys if they've been in this situation. A while back, I realized that I was in love with a girl. Everyday I'd see her, she'd smile at me and I'd smile back. After months of refusing to, being afraid and nervous, I actually told her how I felt. Now she at first thought that I was joking, but then I told that I wasn't. She went silent, and walked away when a friend of hers walked by. I was panicked, I thought how stupid I was. The holidays came, and then ended. I saw her again, I felt different, obviously. Anyways, time went by and we'd exchange glances in the crowd, and usually pop a oneliner in like "hi" or "hey", y'know? Anyways, she's also dating one of my best friends, and he doesn't even know, nobody knows! Whenever I try to talk with her, my friend is always with her, so I can never get a moment alone with her! I just want some advice, please.:(
1 statement, im not gonna read it, i jsut read the first couple words, part of your problem is your on the computer, on forums, asking for advice
wiiwillstand said:
oh sorry, i'm 15...:blush2:
Alright, I'll go ahead and admit that I'm only a few years older than you, least some jealous being try and use it against me later, but I've always been far more mature than my peers.

wiiwillstand said:
forget her...forget her...she's not that hottie that you can just throw away y'know? She's the kind of girl that can make you feel better no matter what. She makes you smile no matter what the cause. She looks at you and you feel the butterflies flutter in panick. Her beauty is unlike any other. Her voice, her smile, can never be replaced my friend. I will not and, and will never, forget her...
There are a lot of girls out there like that, mate; and there are plenty capable of faking it as well. If she doesn't feel the same way about you there's no point in torturing yourself over her.
wiiwillstand said:
Her voice, her smile, can never be replaced my friend. I will not and, and will never, forget her...

It feels that way now, but new girls have a way of tarnishing the old memories ;)

Thing is, it seems as if you guys don't even really talk, you just see her there every day. The problem with that is that you've built up your own image of what she's like in your mind...if that's the case anyway.

You have two things standing against you:

A) She's already walked away without saying a word; most of us would call this rejection
B) She's dating your best friend - that usually means "off limits," regardless of the circumstances

You're tearing yourself up over something that you shouldn't. A few months from now if she's not dating your best friend, it may be good to revisit it. In the mean time, work out and make yourself into someone she can't walk away from ;)

And like others have said, you're 15, and there are other girls out there. It may not seem like it, but it must be said. The first half dozen or so times people said this to me, it didn't help at all. Then when I had my first serious break up (in June), it actually meant something...time heals all wounds. There's so many more fish in the sea ;)

EDIT: 'Nother thing I've been thinking about lately. Girls like sensitive, poetic guys when the time is right. This isn't a problem, except that the current young generation has taken this too far. Guys these days are all too happy with being over-emotional saps. Make sure this doesn't happen to you. It's important to be a strong and stable guy, as well as a sensitive guy ;)
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