Girl Problems!

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Dec 26, 2007
Wii Online Code
yesterday night was not the best night to be hang-out with my boys.well i went over nicks house right? and we played basketball with some other buds and we came back inside. well the next door neighbores daughter was having a party.since her parents werent we were like "lets GO" so we went in.we were having a good time.I guess Jessica didint know i had a girlfriend so she told me 2 follow her. she took me to her room and we started MAKINGOUT on the bed.during the meantime justin(one of my buds)called my girlfriend and told her to come over because he thought i wasnt having a good time without her. so while we were in the room out of nowhere she walks IN.:shocked:!she fights the girl off me and then slaps me! 2day i tried 2 talk 2 her but she WONT answer her i have no idea wat 2 do at this moment. guys help:scared: (speciffically girls)
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Some thoughts:

I wish it were warm enough here to play basketball outside.

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation clearly aren't you strong suits.

What does this have to do with the Wii?

Oh, and as far as your "problems", you clearly have much bigger problems than with girls, most prominently the fact that you're a dumbass. No offense. You clearly lack any and all insight.

As for your girl problems, I suppose the old adage of "You made your bed, not go sleep in it" applies here. You screwed up, so deal with it.
...No offense, but why were you making out with this girl if you already have a girlfriend? That's asking for trouble, man.
In holland we have a saying: when you burn your ass, you have to sit on the blisters. Good luck in finding a new girlfriend.
He's the "WiiChat pimp" he'll figure it out :lol:

Seriously though, you messed up man.
Only thing you can do is say you won't do it again and all that jazz and see if she will take you back. If not, there are other fish in the sea my friend.
boelsma said:
In holland we have a saying: when you burn your ass, you have to sit on the blisters. Good luck in finding a new girlfriend.

Hopefully he'll do some growing up first.
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Atomheart said:
Some thoughts:

I wish it were warm enough here to play basketball outside.

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation clearly aren't you strong suits.

What does this have to do with the Wii?

Oh, and as far as your "problems", you clearly have much bigger problems than with girls, most prominently the fact that you're a dumbass. No offense. You clearly lack any and all insight.

As for your girl problems, I suppose the old adage of "You made your bed, not go sleep in it" applies here. You screwed up, so deal with it.
we have a LITTERAL one here.:cool: and ya she would never just leave me alone after things like this. BUT girls are very emotional.P.S if u posted here u just said u were a girl lol
boelsma said:
In holland we have a saying: when you burn your ass, you have to sit on the blisters. Good luck in finding a new girlfriend.
Awesome saying.

Holds very true too.

What I'd do...

...tell her the truth of what happened. If she still wants you after that, fair game. If she doesn't, move on and learn from this mistake.

Afterall, that's what life's about, making mistakes and learning from them.
If you thought your relationship was that stable you wouldn't have done it anyway, not even thought about it.
Lol, I've never been slapped... I've never cheated either. I guess that's karma, maybe you should've said that two letter word: "no".

Another Dutchie on here! Yay.
Find a new girl or hook up with the new girl you were making out with. It's not worth the trouble trying to get back with your old girl. She'll just bring this up everyday your with her and make you miserable. NOT WORTH IT! To many hotties to waste time with one that's gonna want to do nothing but make your life as sh***y as possible when you're with her.

Bottom Line: Learn from your mistake and move on ;)
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