Girl Problems!

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Frogger said:
If you thought your relationship was that stable you wouldn't have done it anyway, not even thought about it.

Uh oh...I gotz sumtin 2 tell u emma. I liek, went 2 dis partay, and liek...der was dis grl and uh...we uh...made out. LOL sir, are an idiot. And the fact that you had to ask that question on an internet

Emma, none of these people could get an internet relationship...they'd die without touch in a week.
miiwiiwii said:
we have a LITTERAL one here.:cool: and ya she would never just leave me alone after things like this. BUT girls are very emotional.P.S if u posted here u just said u were a girl lol

I honestly did not understand 90% of what you've written. Yet another problem much grander than your current "girl" problems.
Well...I'm not sure. Surely none of the people who are only saying "other fish in the sea"

Edit: know the Grammar Nazi movement could always use another minion.
Brawny said:
Uh oh...I gotz sumtin 2 tell u emma. I liek, went 2 dis partay, and liek...der was dis grl and uh...we uh...made out. LOL sir, are an idiot. And the fact that you had to ask that question on an internet

Emma, none of these people could get an internet relationship...they'd die without touch in a week.

lol couldn't have said that better myself
technodj said:
Find a new girl or hook up with the new girl you were making out with. It's not worth the trouble trying to get back with your old girl. She'll just bring this up everyday your with her and make you miserable. NOT WORTH IT! To many hotties to waste time with one that's gonna want to do nothing but make your life as sh***y as possible when you're with her.

Bottom Line: Learn from your mistake and move on ;)

Do you always treat girls like this? I'd find a divorce lawyer now to save time, lol. I wouldn't date a girl solely on her looks, that's just shallow.

Try and find someone who you genuinelly like to spend time with, and they like to spend time with you. That way you never get tired of eachother, :D. I don't date every girl who asks me out, I usually date the bright and chirpy type. Unfortunately, I do have a few shallow bones in my body... the lady does have to be attractive.
killik119 said:
Do you always treat girls like this? I'd find a divorce lawyer now to save time, lol. I wouldn't date a girl solely on her looks, that's just shallow.

Try and find someone who you genuinelly like to spend time with, and they like to spend time with you. That way you never get tired of eachother, :D. I don't date every girl who asks me out, I usually date the bright and chirpy type. Unfortunately, I do have a few shallow bones in my body... the lady does have to be attractive.

It is pretty sad you ask this question on a Nintendo Wii Forum. And you are dumb for cheating. Shallow people are gay unless your just a tad bit like killik119. She probably doesn't want you back so just move on.
Agreed Frogger, all relationships start by looks unless you go on an internet love site where they match up with ''your soul mate'' But you end up going back on that site about a month later.
Seriously? In real life you look at a hot girl, you don't say ''I hope she likes scary movies too"
you think " Damn that girl is fi-i-ine as hell! "

To the topic: She won't talk to you? Go back to the girl you made out with. that's what Id do considering how your relationship must be Fuc*ed up now.
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Hey, I find that offensive ShadowSage!

I got lucky in that my girlfriend is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. And the spending time together thing applies as well!
If you respected your girlfriend you wouldn't have done that. I feel no sympathy for you, and thankfully no empathy.
I'm talking about people that have a relationship just because they look good. That person that maybe be hot could have one seriously ****ed up personality.
You don't deserve a girlfriend if that's the way you treat them.
Seriously, I'd rather be hit than cheat on. And I've experienced both.
ShadowSage said:
I'm talking about people that have a relationship just because they look good. That person that maybe be hot could have one seriously ****ed up personality.
That's why you go on a date to see if their insane. and usually hot girls are atleast kind of popular. and popular people are always easy to see how they are.
Brawny said:
Well...I'm not sure. Surely none of the people who are only saying "other fish in the sea"

Edit: know the Grammar Nazi movement could always use another minion.

Well, thats what all the adults say :lol:

And that doesn't really apply to me, I have had girlfriends and haven't even thought of doing what this kid did.
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