Rival Vs. Rival

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WiiChat Member
Jul 2, 2007
This is a thread, where you get a rival and faceoff with them when brawl comes out. IF there is a wiichat user, who u think is talking to much Smack, than challenge them by saying " I WANT (USERNAME) TO BE MY RIVAL"
if they accept i will put your names on my list. Also use this thread for bragging about how good you are. That should attract some people to want to challenge you. Also talk to your rival, and argue (APROPRIATLY) about whos gonna win.
Also, you can only have one Rival.


My Sims VS Dkw0101
GigaRidley VS Toomstone
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so basicaly you are saying go flame and get banned thread?ah well as long as it remains half humany and doesnt turn into a big load of calduglde....=D no one would want to be my rival as well their wouldnt be a rivaly it would be me winning and them loosing....
GigaRidley said:
Reason: Because I like his sig. What? Zabuza's cool!
it kinda makes me mad that he's holding a kunai in his mouth with his bandages still on.
I want a rival w
Someone I can try to be stronger! I'm a decent player I think.. Haven't play SSBM in awhile and definitely rusty heheh.. I remember I tried it for a match or so a few weeks back and couldn't beat lvl 9 Fox ~.~

I probably won't get my game right at launch though, a few days after just so you know.
Douten said:
I want a rival w
Someone I can try to be stronger! I'm a decent player I think.. Haven't play SSBM in awhile and definitely rusty heheh.. I remember I tried it for a match or so a few weeks back and couldn't beat lvl 9 Fox ~.~

I probably won't get my game right at launch though, a few days after just so you know.

well get ready to fell some pain cus you have a new rival

...............do u accept?
or are you scared

let me know when you get ur copy of ssbb
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Luigi man said:
be my rival so i can smash (who ever you main)s face in MWHAHAHAHAHA

i will get mario to kick ur :ciappa:
i will take you and Douten i don't care you guys could team up on me if u want to
Okay Nick w
You sure know how to talk well, perhaps we can make good Rivals~
With threads such as these, please wait until the game actually comes out. Once it is released, feel free to remake it.
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