Smash Bros Site Discussion

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Hhahaha, nice response Shoko, all these guys want to fight you for some reason, and to see you reject them is somewhat funny.
no if anything wiichat will get busier
"yo switch friend codes"
"can't beat me"
"how do you beat event 32"
" who the **** is ike"

anyways i hope the dojo gets better as we get closer to the japanese release date
yo axtlar where have you been and wht happened to your prediction thread?!

ps i will probably stay off wiichat from jan 26-feb 10. bc d-bags will be all like "JAPANESE VIDEO, HOW TO UNLOCK (SUPER SECRET CHARACTER) " and spoil everything
If you haven't been to the Dojo I extremely ugre you to visit it now and see the new update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurry!
I had the Same problem, just go to the English (UK and ireland) and it shows up... I would tell you but I don't want to spoil it. Hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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