SSBM fave character combos?


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Jun 9, 2006
The land of Oz
Whats your ONE fave character in SSBM and what do you reckon is the best combo move(s) for that character? You can use abbrievations if you want to (eg Fsmash, Fair, U+A, SHFFL etc)

For example -
Character: Link
Combo move: grab enemy, throw boomerang to enemy, forward smash.
(grab, FB or FBsmash, Fsmash)
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Duh - same can be for link. Just keep tapping A while standing still. Works best if opponent is near a wall. Got to make sure opponent is same side as wall relative to ur character. Keep kicking them and they'll have a hard time getting out of it lol since they're stuck between u and the wall!
Ness PK Thunder PK Flash Combo. Mewtwo while holding a sword and charging towards someone while repeatdly pressing A.
Mewtwo: Just throwing people around without ever touching them is sooo enjoyable.

Fox: Yeah, basicly I love all of his moves, but speed-running someone over before they can hit the ground is funny. The best, however, may be when both you and your enemy have like 300 damage, then they charge up a superscope to full, fire it and you use the shield-reflect move, sending it back and knocking them off the map when they thought they were going to win! Priceless:lol:
Yea I like about Mewtwo as well but i would chose Ness' PSI Magnet over Fox's Reflector.
I also like how Mewtwo can stop crates and things that are thrown at him in midair and how he can disappear, too. It's sort of weird, I don't really like pokemon anymore, but Mewtwo is so cool, it doesn't even matter. Sure hope he's in SSBB!!

As for Ness' PSI Magnet, it's cool that you can absorb enemy projectiles for health, but whenever my friend plays as Samus and charges up his energy cannon, he looks so perplexed when he's K.O.'d by his own attack.:D
:lol: I've actually done that before and it's alwasy funny. It would be mistake not to bring Mewtwo back in SSBB:cool:
NateTheGreat said:
I also like how Mewtwo can stop crates and things that are thrown at him in midair and how he can disappear, too. It's sort of weird, I don't really like pokemon anymore, but Mewtwo is so cool, it doesn't even matter. Sure hope he's in SSBB!!

As for Ness' PSI Magnet, it's cool that you can absorb enemy projectiles for health, but whenever my friend plays as Samus and charges up his energy cannon, he looks so perplexed when he's K.O.'d by his own attack.:D

all characters can catch items thrown at them. it just takes timing.
I know, sorry, I wasn't discriptive enough. Because Mewtwo has telekinesis, he stops objects in mid-air, while the other characters just catch it with their hands.

It just looks more impressive when Mewtwo does it, I think.:)


This image is a bit small, but you get the picture.
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Yeah lol. Once I had a melee with my cousin (Sheik) and me (Link). I was hanging onto the edge and he did forward + b (f+b) on me which pulled out the rope and I could not get back up on stage. Now I know how lol. Took me a while to figure it out tho. I used hookshot and flipped into the air then doing a spin attack when there was a gap in Sheik's rope attack to get back onto stage.

Mewtwo is a somewhat strange character to practise with. His teleporting move is ridiculously speedy to pull off (Very small response time to direct the teleporting move) unlike Zelda/Sheik.
By the way I'd say Mewtwo is a floaty version of Zelda and has more ranged attacks than Zelda, but lacks the advantage that Zelda has with her alter ego, Sheik.

Speaking of practising to catch items, try selecting Peach or Link in training mode. Then try to catch the turnip or bomb once thrown upwards.(d+b, u+a or u+z) It doesn't take that long to do and it once saved my char from being hit by an opponent Link's bomb throw. All it takes is timing and a very close attention to the other player's actions on the screen.

About Samus' charge beam attack, one thing I've learnt is to press L or R immediately after pressing the B button when its charged up so that if the opponent manages to deflect it with a shine or a powershield, you dont get hit by your own attack due to the shield you've put up.
Another handy hint with Samus - if you're charging up and you can't find the opportunity to stand there for 3 seconds due to the opponent never giving you a chance, press z and the charge beam will be on 'hold' until you charge it up again. Works wonders for tough battles.

btw, Samus is like 2nd fav character...

Fav combo to use with Samus: charge beam, shoot a straight fast missile then press b immediately to throw charge ball that follows missile. Then shield. (b, FBsmash, b, L or R)

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