the ~Ask Anyone Anything~ thread

I wanna be an architect and I'm pretty sure that I will never have to write blueprints for a bridge that connects Earth to the Moon. It's dumb useless stuff that has no use.
And scientists try to estimate **** that they don't even know about. Like the distance from Earth to the sun is 1 AU (astronomical unit). No one has ever been to the sun, how could you come to bold conclusions like that retard.
Your ignorance knows no bounds.
I wanna be an architect and I'm pretty sure that I will never have to write blueprints for a bridge that connects Earth to the Moon. It's dumb useless stuff that has no use.
And scientists try to estimate **** that they don't even know about. Like the distance from Earth to the sun is 1 AU (astronomical unit). No one has ever been to the sun, how could you come to bold conclusions like that retard.

1) You don't need to go the Sun to work out how far away it is. You can figure it out using all that science and maths you hate so much.

2) 1 AU is defined as the distance between the Earth and the Sun.
GC, lmao. Oh god. Pay more attention in whatever the hell class teaches you the "useless crap" you despise so.
I wanna be an architect and I'm pretty sure that I will never have to write blueprints for a bridge that connects Earth to the Moon. It's dumb useless stuff that has no use.
And scientists try to estimate **** that they don't even know about. Like the distance from Earth to the sun is 1 AU (astronomical unit). No one has ever been to the sun, how could you come to bold conclusions like that retard.

I really thought that someone that dumb wouldn't know how to use a computer.

Hey Buddy. I know tons about architecture and I'm not even one yet and I'm going to be telling you if you are going to be a successful architect then your going to have to know sht!!

The stuff our generation is going to be building isn't gonna be the same as the last 100 years. Or even the last 10 years. The stuff were going to be designing is going to be really inventive and crazy.

Also WTH bold conclusions are you talking about?!?! Its called scientific instruments!!! They use machines and computers to map out this stuff. It all has solid proof and it's not just iffy. It's real.

I know why your confused though. Your thinking about Theoretical Physics or Quantum Physics and that is pretty f#@$ up and confusing. So ya much of that stuff when you hear it sounds crazy and stuff now in days but what scientists are doing are discovering things we will use every day in the future.

What my Physics teacher says is- "Physicists are here to make a understanding of the laws of our universe so we know what the f#@% were doing.

Yep :D
I wanna be an architect and I'm pretty sure that I will never have to write blueprints for a bridge that connects Earth to the Moon. It's dumb useless stuff that has no use.
And scientists try to estimate **** that they don't even know about. Like the distance from Earth to the sun is 1 AU (astronomical unit). No one has ever been to the sun, how could you come to bold conclusions like that retard.

I really thought that someone that dumb wouldn't know how to use a computer.

Hey Buddy. I know tons about architecture and I'm not even one yet and I'm going to be telling you if you are going to be a successful architect then your going to have to know sht!!

The stuff our generation is going to be building isn't gonna be the same as the last 100 years. Or even the last 10 years. The stuff were going to be designing is going to be really inventive and crazy.

Also WTH bold conclusions are you talking about?!?! Its called scientific instruments!!! They use machines and computers to map out this stuff. It all has solid proof and it's not just iffy. It's real.

I know why your confused though. Your thinking about Theoretical Physics or Quantum Physics and that is pretty f#@$ up and confusing. So ya much of that stuff when you hear it sounds crazy and stuff now in days but what scientists are doing are discovering things we will use every day in the future.

What my Physics teacher says is- "Physicists are here to make a understanding of the laws of our universe so we know what the f#@% were doing.

Yep :D
.. Eaten a tad too much candy, PL? If we're talking about stars, all one must do is study the different aspects of light. Not much else, I believe.

Shave my head: yes or no?


No 'maybes', and explanations are welcome for either of the two sides.
I wanna be an architect and I'm pretty sure that I will never have to write blueprints for a bridge that connects Earth to the Moon. It's dumb useless stuff that has no use.
And scientists try to estimate **** that they don't even know about. Like the distance from Earth to the sun is 1 AU (astronomical unit). No one has ever been to the sun, how could you come to bold conclusions like that retard.

Let me sum up what everyone has been saying: YOU ARE RETARDED. Not as in the stupid colloquialism that means stupid. I mean your IQ might actually be below the level that is required to call yourself not mentally impaired.

Find a group of doctors to study you, and to help you, because god knows you should never be allowed out of your house, much less the rest of the world.

That was fun :D
@SSB_Lover you should shave your head :thumbsup:

I just don't believe many of the stuff that scientists talk about.

@Brizer: **** your faggetass, I'll let you know that I've been getting very good grades in school since kindergarten. My lowest report card has been a 2.8 GPA. I don't care if any of you believe me.
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.. Eaten a tad too much candy, PL? If we're talking about stars, all one must do is study the different aspects of light. Not much else, I believe.

Shave my head: yes or no?


No 'maybes', and explanations are welcome for either of the two sides.

Ya candy, that's what I had. :shifty:

I've answered this head shaven question, have i not?

Also that is not long hair. My hair is like the some but I'm getting my regular hair cut today. Then no shave November :O

I just don't believe many of the stuff that scientists talk about.

1 Question can answer all of this.

Are you Christian?
I just don't believe many of the stuff that scientists talk about.
But you believe all that ghost-hunting and cryptozoology stuff on TV?

Look, the stuff you've been taught about in science classes has been rigorously tested, over and over. Astronomers didn't just pluck a number out of a hat and say "okay, that's the distance between the Earth and Sun". They worked out ways to figure it out, did the calculations, and arrived at the answer (now known to be about 150 million km). The point is, good science should be backed by evidence and observations- for example, scientists certainly wouldn't have backed something as counter-intuitive as quantum physics if it wasn't for all the experiments showing its effects in action.
Tyly. No.

I just shaved and me no likey.