What is longest period you've been grounded for, and how long?


WiiChat Member
Jun 26, 2009
The whole reason why I joined these forums was because I got grounded. To make a long and complicated story short, my friends and I hid a case of beer that was wrapped in my pillow case in my woods in the backyard. A neighbor found the case of beer and told my mom, who automatically recognized the pillow case. She was mad at first, but now shes straight. However, she won't tell me how long I'm grounded for!

So instead of going out, I'll be playing Madworld, Conduit, Mariokart Wii, and posting on here a lot.

But anyways...

Any funny stories about getting grounded or run ins with the po po 5-0?
Its hard to be grounded when you rarely went out.
Lol, grounded.

My rents aren't particularly strict with, well anything. I got kicked outta my house twice so I spent my time between my mother and fathers, who ever I was friendly with at the time. I coulda been anywhere, and my mother would assume I was at my fathers, and my father would assume I was at my mothers. And both kinda felt like I was "not their problem". Freeeeeeedom.
The whole reason why I joined these forums was because I got grounded. To make a long and complicated story short, my friends and I hid a case of beer that was wrapped in my pillow case in my woods in the backyard. A neighbor found the case of beer and told my mom, who automatically recognized the pillow case. She was mad at first, but now shes straight. However, she won't tell me how long I'm grounded for!

So instead of going out, I'll be playing Madworld, Conduit, Mariokart Wii, and posting on here a lot.

But anyways...

Any funny stories about getting grounded or run ins with the po po 5-0?
What age were you at the time?

The longest I was grounded, well I wasn't really grounded, was for about 2 weeks.
I went out to a club the night before my English exam and told her I was somewhere else.
I chose not to go out in order to make up for it.
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hahaha I was 16 at the time and I am currently 16. This happened about..... 3 days ago haha.
hahaha I was 16 at the time and I am currently 16. This happened about..... 3 days ago haha.
I find it hilarious how over here in Scotland/The UK, that is when most teens would probably just get a slap on the wrist for drinking alcohol. It's crazy how you have to wait til the age of 21 to drink it in the states.
I was first doing what you're doing now when I was like 13/14.
I find it hilarious how over here in Scotland/The UK, that is when most teens would probably just get a slap on the wrist for drinking alcohol. It's crazy how you have to wait til the age of 21 to drink it in the states.
I was first doing what you're doing now when I was like 13/14.
I didn't even get a slap on the wrist. My parents were fine with me drinking alcohol when I was 15/16.

I don't understand what's with the high age limit on alcohol in the States either. I'd guess it's probably down to religious influence. although that's not so say Americans are all the god-botherer type (the 18th amendment was the only one to be repealed, after all).
I find it hilarious how over here in Scotland/The UK, that is when most teens would probably just get a slap on the wrist for drinking alcohol. It's crazy how you have to wait til the age of 21 to drink it in the states.
I was first doing what you're doing now when I was like 13/14.
This is precisely why I don't support making the drinking age younger, Napalm. In theory, the ~5 year period that kids start drinking before it's legal could carry over to that younger age limit.

Although I must admit that my opinion on this is quite selfish. I don't drink, so I am most definitely allowing my own personal choice to influence my otherwise liberal mentality.
I have never been grounded. I got spanked like there was no tomorrow. Same results of wising up, except it's faster and scarier (back then, at least).

I honestly feel that most families are too forgiving with the whole "grounding" thing. At least where I live.
Never got grounded, got whooped. These kids nowadays don't know the phrase "Go get my board".
This is precisely why I don't support making the drinking age younger, Napalm. In theory, the ~5 year period that kids start drinking before it's legal could carry over to that younger age limit.

Although I must admit that my opinion on this is quite selfish. I don't drink, so I am most definitely allowing my own personal choice to influence my otherwise liberal mentality.
Well if people are responsible with their drinks then I don't see any problem with a lower age limit, and people are always gonna drink underage regardless. What's needed is the right culture, not the right age limit- look at southern Europe, where the drinking ages are typically around 16-18, but they don't have any huge problems with binge drinking (except by tourists).
Well if people are responsible with their drinks then I don't see any problem with a lower age limit, and people are always gonna drink underage regardless. What's needed is the right culture, not the right age limit- look at southern Europe, where the drinking ages are typically around 16-18, but they don't have any huge problems with binge drinking (except by tourists).
Underage drinking thread?

I once gave some JD to my 9 year old neapthew.

Is say JD it had some Cola mixed in with it.
I say mixed in it was mostly cola.

Ok I gave him a drink of cola.

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