
Okay....Here's a question for you all to ponder.

Where did God come from? Where was he when there was nothing? Was he sitting around like many a lonely gaming fanboy with a tired hand and thinking "Man...I need new entertainment?"
VampiricLugia said:
Okay....Here's a question for you all to ponder.

Where did God come from? Where was he when there was nothing? Was he sitting around like many a lonely gaming fanboy with a tired hand and thinking "Man...I need new entertainment?"
Ponderd it a lot (kinda mines more like who created him and who created the person that created him x intinaty)
VampiricLugia said:
Okay....Here's a question for you all to ponder.

Where did God come from? Where was he when there was nothing? Was he sitting around like many a lonely gaming fanboy with a tired hand and thinking "Man...I need new entertainment?"
well, i reckon that when there was nothing, there was also no time. therefore he couldn't just 'sit' there, he was just...well...there. so before there was anything, the time was infinite and at the same time, no time at all.
just my opinion, even though i can't explain it very welll :p

EDIT: btw, im a christian. just thought id mention that lol
there are many debates about this whole whether god exists or not and so on... blah blah blah

1. A person believes that God did exist and wholly or partially follows the 'fictional' book one way or another as a guide to living life on Earth and as an attempt to gain God's trust and gain personal satisfaction when they die (immortality).

2. He may believe that God may exist and read the bible or any religious book with a grain of salt and tries to keep an open mind about these issues.

3. The person does not believe in God and states God as a way of trying to explain the unexplainable. So he takes God out of the equation and then everything becomes satisfied to him. No more inner conflicts or contradictory answers. The easy way out of religion by getting around the concept that God may or may not exist.
the thing is, is there any proof that god exsists? or jesus did?

The bible is not proof, it's only a book, it could be true, it could be false, there is no way to scientificly prove that it is real or not.
VampiricLugia said:
Here's one about America. We're suppose to have freedom of religion and seperation of church and state, but yet you have to go through a church to get married. Hmmm...Kinda stupid.

You do not need to go through a church to get married. There are several types of public officials who are legally authorized to perform marriages.
Mitch2025 said:
however the Biblical hell isnt like that. satan does not rule it. it was originaly made for satan to be punished and satan only come armagedon but it is now a place for unbelievers and it is going to be torture so horrible that there is no way to describe it.

I can't seem to find that part in the Bible...
ssbb_lover said:
Heaven = eternal bliss and togetherness w/ God/ Hell = eternal death and separation from God.

Where would Adam and Eve be today if they had not disobeyed God?
333Wii333 said:
yeah well im not wrong .............I LOVE JESUS CHRIST ( he is my savior)
Have you ever thought that perhaps life isn't about being right. Don't forget to 'live' while you exist. Fact of the matter is, is that nobody can be sure of any belief. It's why they call it a 'belief' and not a 'fact'.

Oh and what if the Islam religion is right. I'm pretty sure that they believe in Mohammad just as much as you believe in Christ.
Squall7 said:
Of course, that doesn't really take into account the fact that the Bible was written by man. Man is infalible, and God is not. If man wrote the bible, there is an ever-present risk that what the bible says is untrue, due to man's own desires. What better way to justify a hatred than to say that God instucts me to hate.

It is true that men physically wrote the Bible, no doubt about that. However, if you truly believe in God and his word, then you also will see that the Bible was written by men who were inspired by God's Holy Spirit. Meaning that their words that were recorded reflected God's viewpoint and direction.
Which means you would accept this statement from 2 Timothy as being true:

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
kissoff182 said:
I don't have anything against someone just believing in a god. What I don't understand is why people live in fear of a god and fear "sinning."

Why do people think that gay marriage is wrong? It doesn't hurt anyone. What's wrong with premarital sex? Once again, it doesn't hurt anyone (except in some cases it emotionally hurts the two consenting people). Is abortion wrong because it's killing a baby or because "God says it's wrong?" I have mixed feelings about abortion. I don't believe in LYKE OMGZ IT'S MAH BODY ILL DO WAT I WANT W/ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 But I also don't want irresponsible people to be parents. There's more to it than the Bible says, "blah blah blah."

Why do people feel the need to say, "Jesus loves you" or "God bless you?" Why do Christians feel like they need to "save me" from Hell, which may not even exist? Why do people tell me if I'm wrong about God existing I'm going to Hell? If there's one thing I learned being raised Catholic it's that God/Jesus loves me for who I am and will let me into Heaven because I'm a good person, not because I believe in Christ. I just wish people wouldn't live their lives 100% by a fictional book.

i actually agree with you on many/most accounts and owuld even be happy to say i am not part of main stream Christianity though i am Christian. in all truth, i agree with all the examples, especially gay marriage, when you think about it, it really is no one but there own buisness. The same with oremarital sex. i have the same stance on abortion as well, it should be heavily regulated but legal all the same. Mainstream of all spiritual denominations are too crazy for me to get along with, though at the core, the believe the same as you do, their smaller issues of little importance to your day-to-day living is retarded. for instance, mainstream christianity dislikes harry potter, i am an avid fan. the extremes (which mainstream sadly is) are always crazy. I've always got along w/ people from different religions. I have a Budhist friend, and an atheist friend, and the topic rarely comes up. many christians will shoot themselves in the foot by saying that God doesnt interfere with d=the world yet say he answers prayers. Meh. thats all :yesnod: hope a few people share my opinions :lol: (i only read the first post)
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ssbb_lover said:
On top of all this, evolution the big bang, etc. involve the earth being millions or billions of years old. IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THAT IT IS NOT! I studied about a theory last year, that suggests that for a certain caullage (sp?) of fossils that were found in a certain area, and the weird way that soil was layered in, a WORLDWIDE CATASTROPHE would have had to happen. Noah's Flood comes to mind. ;) Also, the way certain continents have eroded or something. I'll double check that part, but for the fossil part, i'm certain. Also, if evolution was true, why isn't life still evolving today? See to believe, right? I sure as hell don't see this. Most (non-Christian) scientists ignore this fact, because this would ruin the theory of evolution and whatnot, but they're ignoring scientific facts.

You might be intersted to know that the Bible does not really disagree with a very old earth. The Hebrew word that is translated as "day" in Genesis can also mean an indeterminate amount of type (much like the English word "day" i.e. "back in my day", etc.)
Also note that in Genesis, the sequence of the creative "days" with day 1 is not mentioned until after the earth was already created. Who knows how long the earth existed before that first day.

And Noah's flood isn't really related to the age of the earth.
Skippy said:
It is true that men physically wrote the Bible, no doubt about that. However, if you truly believe in God and his word, then you also will see that the Bible was written by men who were inspired by God's Holy Spirit. Meaning that their words that were recorded reflected God's viewpoint and direction.
Which means you would accept this statement from 2 Timothy as being true:

2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
Inspired, but not his own words. Heard of Chinese Whispers. Now take into account that the only ones that could read and write from the era, were the tools of what could be considered an 'educated' upper class - with values systems of their own. Thus to read the bible is to take an interpretation of an upperclass stranger that believes he is doing the work of God.

Also, let's not forget that the bible has been translated so many times, that it would have lost a lot in the translation, not to mention how many times the stories have been told rather than read. All in all, the English bible is a pretty poor reflection of how God want's us to behave, if you look at the bible's history.

Also in the quote of the bible, it allows people to retell what God 'wants'. I thought God was meant to be perfect? How can the bible (which was supposedly influenced by God himself) need 'corrections'?

ssb_lover said:
Also, if evolution was true, why isn't life still evolving today?
Evolution does happen today, on a small scale. Considering that evolution in terms of homo-erectus to homo-sapiens happens over millions of years, one could not see it in their own lifetime. It's the equivolent to taking a 90 minute video of a snail crawling, taking three frames of the video out, and saying there is no movement at all.
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Gaz said:
Ahh yes i remember this, but lets not forget that the version of the bible we are reading today is not the same one that they found writen before the birth of Jesus.

Actually, the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are estimated to be from anywhere from 100 year before Jesus to 100 years after, have been shown to be remarkably consistant with what we have in much more recent manuscripts that modern translations are based on. The fragments have many portions of the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament) which are events that happened before Christ.
Skippy said:
Actually, the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are estimated to be from anywhere from 100 year before Jesus to 100 years after, have been shown to be remarkably consistant with what we have in much more recent manuscripts that modern translations are based on. The fragments have many portions of the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament) which are events that happened before Christ.
Lol, that's what I posted. xD