Did the wii live up to your expectations?

It lived up to it, and more for me, I thought the controll system would be f'd up, but its not... =]...its easy, but I find the transition from the Wii to another gaming system, a little hard to get used to, but I will get over it eventualy.
i wish i was a kid again...then the wii would be SO AWESOME!!!...all these kid games are a big let down....im thinking about selling my wii and getting a 360 =[
YOU=FOOL!!! IM NOT A KID, AND I HAVE IT, I DONT EVEN LIKE KIDDY GAMES!!! You should keep it, even though you dont like it, if anything so you can say, "I have a Wii", people will be impressed...:frown2:
the only cool part about having a wii...is asking the ladies if they " wanna come over and play with my wii?"
lol;) , no you just need to give Nintendo some time to come out with some more games, be patient, just put your Wii out of sight if you dont like it so much, and wait for a game you like to come out, and dont be one of those martyrs and say its a "kiddie" system, im so tired of seeing that.
The Wii surpassed my expectations. I had no intention of getting one until I played my friend's Wii. I honestly thought it would flop faster than the Dreamcast.
HAY, I love the Draemcast, it didnt flop untill PS 2 came out, honestly because of the lack of DVD function...SEGA was pissed....so was I...=[
The Dreamcast was amazing. Power Stone is one of the greatest games I have ever played.
* looks around* god damn nintendo dose not have any kid games. I don't know, but if you like same old stupid FPS with no point no story, and short life-span and good graphix. Go ahead and play those.

-Red steel pwned all.
-Zelda was a god of games.
-Excite truck ownz all racing games.
-Call of duty was fun too, Ok graphix could usea tune up, if you have 480p wii plug it looks better.
-wiisports was really fun too, great multiplayer game.
-wii play was Ok, it could use a tune up. Still a great relese game.
-Wario wares, now dont get me started on this great game.

-SSBB, mario galaxy, Guitar hero wii, zelda Wii, metroid 3, super mario strikers charged, mario party 8, FF, Red steel 2, Madden 08, and mariokart wii will rawk the gaming world! all in all wii met up and above my expectations!

The only "kids" game i can see is that your too 12 years old to play wiisports or wario wares.
I hope in the future they add Dreamcast to the VC list so I can play some Power Stone.
OOOHHH YEAH!!! Good idea!, Shenmeu!!!
I noticed that! Older games are more fun!