im planning on gettin a 360 but im not sure

Hybrid said:
HOLD THE PHONE! you can rent movies! sweet! i thought you could buy them aswell? but are there any other cool xbox 360 features?
well as far as im aware you cant buy it and i think its for security reasons or umm like so your harddrive dosent fill up completely, but you can buy shows too, you might be able to rent shows as well but im not entirely sure, but i would stick to renting because if i buy something on a DVD such as a movie i have it forever where as if you buy a show or wahtever off of the 360 you have it as long as you have your 360 (plus it takes up memory)
umm yah if you surf around youll find some free interesting videos on the 360
The XBox does a ton of cool stuff. You can download movies, trailers, commercials, tv shows, and all kinds of stuff in HD. You can also rip music to the hard drive, run it off a usb device, or stream it from your pc and play it on the main menus and in the games. I've got a Wii and got it first, but I'm in love with my 360, I bought it last Saturday.