i know this is a bit off topic, but i missed the Rotom event. i just recently got Platinum; anybody have any advice on how i could get the key? I'm thinking Nintendo is gonna screw me over and not re-send the key :[
Thread rejuvination activate! ... Which is for once within the rules.
Alright, I've decided it's about time I had another challenge. Nothing too difficult, just one for fun. I'm in my casual gaming mood lately, so I thought it'd be perfect timing for challenge. However, I also just thought up a new option for the combined challenge; the all trainer challenge.
You can basically make any single challenge a combined challenge, adding on this little bit. This means you must fight EVERY trainer you can find; you don't have to go looking, but if you know one is there, you must fight him/her. This would be stupid as a challenge on it's own, so it's only available as an add on, and counts as a combined challenge. This basically means you can't cut out on trainers that'l give you trouble, or if you're just in general having trouble with the game, and want to skip some trainers to the next town/area. It's not a hard add on, but it adds a new element to think of, right? Tell me your opinions on it.
So anyways, I'll be taking a Fire Red (since I havn't played it in years) Combined Challenge; All-Trainer and Single. The pokemon I'll be using is Charizard (sorry Twizdid; I liek mah Charizardz). It's accepted, ofcourse. Expect updates in the Pokemon Social Group!
Good idea CK.
I will defiantly take up a challenge once i finish platinum. I might do it on emerald.
Even though i go searching for trainers to battle, Its still a good idea.
Lol, I already encountered two problems with the Single/All-trainer playthrough. So, I'll update for a new rule. I also added a new rule, or, guideline to the Single Challenge, so be sure to check them out. Give me your opinion on them, whether it be criticism or how to improve it! :thumbsup:
Ok, i'm here to bring life back to this challenge post
I am going to do a semi-hard combine challenge of single/monotype the type shall be as i declare it grass and i will use turtwig to start it off with.
The only way i could make this harder is if i made it speed also
Technically, you can't do monotype unless you have atleast 2 pokes, but...
A shame this newbie posted once and is never going to show up again... would of been nice to revive the thread. If I had the time I'd do one of the challenges myself.