The Wii and the PS3

One of the best videos I seen on youtube, and yeah it should be updated. I saw a few spelling errors. If your gonna do that type of video, it needs to be at least 'smart'. Seriously whats with the purple. haha.
i dunno i just found it one day and found it a very valuable piece of information. its my fav ps3 vs wii vid.

did you all see the ps3 with the Wii type controller in the begining saying sony steals. friggin fanbois

Sony likes to churn the hype machine in order to make the PS3 larger than life. Wii and PS3 are on two different playing fields.

The GCN was definitely more powerful than the PS2, so if Nintendo really wanted to make a powerful "next gen" system, then they would have. If they did that then, they would have another Gamecube on their hands; not much 3rd party support.

The motion control was a definite ripoff. I had a friend who was a beta tester for PS3 in 2003 and he did not even mention any controller innovations.
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thx for info master foot.

and for the people who state that ps1 first had the "TILT" controller, well...

the snes actualy came up with the first tilt controller, check it out:
THX for the proof "wii.ndi"

Proof that the SIXAXIS is a ripoff of of not only the wiimote, but these controllers as well.

The wiimote is a ripoff too! Don't flame me yet! The Wiimote employs the same concept as the Nintendo Powerglove wrt using sensors to map on screen motion.
how is the Nintendo Wiimote a ripoff of the Nintendo powerglove? key word in bold.

did that joypad ever come out?
Dude who cares who rips off who? Seriously all that matters is who implements it best. Naturally Nintendo did it best.
i dont care who rips off who just he did not make sence. im really just wondering if it came out i still have a snes it be cool to find one.
Dude trust me...
I've played COD3 on the Wii in a shop in Manchester xD
And the GFX are decent
Better than PS2 (Way better) what more could you want?
As long as I can see where im going im not too bothered but COD3 on the Wii rocks!

LOL some guy on there said:

'Also graphics is very important because it helps create the illusion that its for real for example sport or fps but come on its hard to believe that if the graphics are that rubbish '

The GFX are good on the Wii and as for feeling your in a game... The Wii Controls.. I Win xD
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How fat and unfit would you have to be to get tired playing a wii, serisously complaining about the control being tiring is pretty lame. I think those people should go out and get some exercise.
Wii_Smurf said:
Dude trust me...
I've played COD3 on the Wii in a shop in Manchester xD
And the GFX are decent
Better than PS2 (Way better) what more could you want?
As long as I can see where im going im not too bothered but COD3 on the Wii rocks!

LOL some guy on there said:

'Also graphics is very important because it helps create the illusion that its for real for example sport or fps but come on its hard to believe that if the graphics are that rubbish '

The GFX are good on the Wii and as for feeling your in a game... The Wii Controls.. I Win xD

Well you know....I guess if you are a fat lazy stoner with no life and no chance of ever getting laid, I guess good graphics would be a MUST... especially since they help you escape reality. I play the wii because its FUN......and besides....boxing is a pretty good workout dude!
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i completely agree.

Ps3 fanboys state problems with the wii, these are usually used:

people get tired too quick
can break tv's
has **** gfx

what they don't realise is.. people getting tired are obviously extremely unfit. if they don't relise this, then obviously they're the victim, they themselves are the unfit people.
breaking tv's are man-made-mistakes (girls are abit smarter at times).. so if ur gonna swing the wii mote at full force, be sure to hold onto it tightly, common sense people!!
**** gfx. well, nothing much can be said for the games which have **** gfx. atleast it has motion sensors to make up for it.
the point is:
the console wars started up with "wich console has better grphics"
now in this new gwnwration the war is "who has the best gameplay"
XBOX360: stayed behind
PS3: tried to move on but it wasnt what they planned
Wii: its the future of gaming
just imagine if these companies kept triiying to improve graphics, they wou.ld reach the reality and then what?
thats why the best option was to change the way gamez are played
thats why nintendo is the number one game company
wii.ndi said:
i completely agree.

Ps3 fanboys state problems with the wii, these are usually used:

people get tired too quick
can break tv's
has **** gfx

what they don't realise is.. people getting tired are obviously extremely unfit. if they don't relise this, then obviously they're the victim, they themselves are the unfit people.
breaking tv's are man-made-mistakes (girls are abit smarter at times).. so if ur gonna swing the wii mote at full force, be sure to hold onto it tightly, common sense people!!
**** gfx. well, nothing much can be said for the games which have **** gfx. atleast it has motion sensors to make up for it.

Most people breaking their TV's didn't actually fasten the Strap with the cord
They left it slack. You don't have to fasten it so that it cuts blood circulation just so that it isn't loose lol
And as for Fat people they can do one lol
If your too fat you should be forced onto a diet or put in prison...
GFX are good on the Wii so :p